Sam's P.O.V
When me and Jason finally pulled up to my house it was 3:46 AM. My window was still open so I wasn't worried about getting in. "Well thanks for a great night babe" I said with a smile. We both lean in and share a kiss. "Welcome baby I love you text me okay?" Jason says as we pull apart. "I love you too and okay!" I open the car door and get out while blowing Jason a kiss. I walk up to the tree and begin my climb. Once I finally get to the roof piece I see Jason smile and wave and drive away. Once I finally get into my room I see a note on my bed. I change into my pajamas and clean my makeup off. When I climb into bed I decide to read the note. It read..Samantha, 7/8/14
So I hear you are coming back on the MAGCON tour? I can't wait to see you! I honestly missed talking to you... I know you have moved on and I respect that cause I have too(: well see you sooon Sammy :)
Love, Trevor MoranTrevor Moran? Why would Trevor send me a letter. And he's sent it today? What the hell is going on? He knows I'm not the same Sam I was before I hope. But idk what imma do if I see him. Is it bad I really want to see him? Why do I feel so happy he wrote me? It may be cuz I....
Trevor Moran....
A/N: I Hope you guys liked this chapter !! And who do u guys think Sam should be with? Jason or Trevor? Let me know! But I love you guys 💕

Everything Has Changed
Fiksi Penggemar(Sequel to My Life As Aaron Carpenter's Sister) Samantha Carpenter was always a girl that liked to be loved and didn't want problems. Well you should see her now! Sam has thrown away her perfect girl life and traded it with being a rebel. Can any...