Sam's P.O.V
I wake up in Aaron's arms on the couch. I guess when we started watching tv we fell asleep. I slowly lift his arms and he only stirs and fall onto the couch. I just shake my head at his heavy sleeping habits and walk to my suitcase. Today we are leaving LA and going to Dallas. It's 4:30 since that's when I set my alarm for and the flight leaves at 6:45. I take a quick shower and get back into my sweatpants and Lakers hoodie. Then I put my hair into a messy wet bun and don't put any makeup on. I honestly look like death but oh well. It's 5:15 at the moment so I wake everyone in my room up. First Shawn then Aaron because Shawn is a light sleeper. "Shawny poo it's time to get up." He opens his eyes and I smile. "It's 5:15 get ready" he stretches and nods. Next is Aaron. "Rony? Get up bro we have to catch the flight." I say an he doesn't even flinch. So I go to plan B. I walk towards my bag and get this lipstick that looks like blood. I put some on my arm and try to fake cry. Once the tears are there I start screaming. Aaron shoots up and sees me. "What happened?" I smirk
"Oh this? It's lipstick and just something to wake you up." I grab a towel and clean off the "blood". He rolls his eyes and starts to get ready.
Unknown's P.O.V
So after a lot of thinking I think I'm going to get back to my old boyfriend. I love Matt and I won't let little "Sammy Wammy" get in the way. She has no idea what I'm capable of and she won't even believe what is coming at her.
A/N: So I thought the story needed drama so I am writing a unknown character an going to kindof let them ruin Sam's life! I'm sorry haha but leave a vote if u enjoyed this chapter and comment who u think the unknown person will be! I love you guys! 💕

Everything Has Changed
Fanfic(Sequel to My Life As Aaron Carpenter's Sister) Samantha Carpenter was always a girl that liked to be loved and didn't want problems. Well you should see her now! Sam has thrown away her perfect girl life and traded it with being a rebel. Can any...