Ch. 3: "You're My Baby, Deku..."

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11:00 AM.

Hatsume and Deku are at the fair, they have their own stand set up in one of the booth areas with a multitude of Hatsume's inventions. Deku is trying to put one of them on right now, struggling as he has absolutely no idea what any of them do.

Hatsume looks at Deku sternly, "Hurry up, Deku! It's almost noon! That's prime time to show the biggest crowd what we've got!"

Deku stumbles as he tries putting the invention on his legs, "I-I'm trying my best! You know, it would help a lot if I at least had a run down of what the heck these things even did!"

Hatsume laughs, "But that would ruin the surprise! It's much more fun to have my babies be seen first-hand blind! I'm confident that the ones I'm showcasing today will be at peek performance!"

'Jee, she seems pretty sure of herself... Well, I mean, we did only ever see her inventions as prototypes. Maybe these inventions are her final ones, good God, I hope they are...'

2:00 PM.

Deku is barely standing covered in dirt and soot, panting from exhaustion.

Hatsume gives closure to the audience, "Well, that just about wraps up the showcase, folks! Hope you all enjoyed!"

The crowd cheers as everyone slowly starts to disperse. Hatsume closes the curtains and turns the lamp on inside the stand.

"Great job handling all the inventions, Deku! Even though it was my genius that made sure nothing would go terribly wrong, that is!" She takes her goggles and jacket off.

Deku can barely formulate a sentence, "That was... insane... how did... I not die...?" He says as he is stationary. Hatsume helps him take off the remainder of the invention from his body.

"Oh, cheer up! Everything went according to plan, I'm so proud of us!" She hops up and down in excitement.

"Yeah, woohoo... I'd be jumping with you if I weren't frozen in place at the moment..."

She gives Deku a tight hug, "Especially you, Izuku... I couldn't have done any of this without you...!" Her bazongas brush against his chest just like last time when she fell on him. Only this time it was more intentional.

Deku notices and quickly regains his composure, "O-Oh, really? Well, I survived, but I don't really think I could take any credit, these are your inventions after al-"

Hatsume hushes him with her finger, "Stop it, baby, your modesty can only take you so far. Nobody could take the heat as well as you can..." she kisses him on the lips.

Deku spazzes from surprise, "W-Woah! H-Hatsume, why did you..."

"You know, ever since I met you, I felt like there was a sort of hidden connection between us..." she lifts his shirt and feels his stomach up and down, "You ever noticed that feeling? Kinda hard to miss, especially when you're on the receiving end." she starts to nibble his ear.

Deku's blush begins to glow brighter, "Heh, w-well now that you mention it, I kinda did notice something, b-but I didn't see it as that big of a deal! Heheh! Heh..."

'What's gotten into her?! She's always been open with getting all touchy feely with me, but not nearly as much as right now! Is it because of the chip...?'

Hatsume begins to strip Deku down. He makes very little effort to combat her advances. "Tell me, Deku... Do you feel the heat through your body right now...?" she says as she moves his body onto the table, hopping on him shifting the table slightly.

"I-I'm feeling something alright...! A-Are you sure you wanna do it here?! W-we're not exactly in the most private of spaces, somebody could hear us from outsid-"

She smacks her lips onto his and commences phase one of love making. She doesn't hold back as she makes out with Deku's virgin lips.

'Oh wow, Hatsume's lips are softer than I imagined... No! Not here! We could get in trouble! We're basically in public! There's a fair going on right now! I need to control myself!'

Deku pushes up slightly moving Hatsume away from his face, "I-I can't! Anywhere but here! I don't think I'm ready for something like thi-"

"Deku, lock your hands over your head."

Deku's hands move on their own as he struggles to fight back, "H-Hey! H-Hatsume what are yo-"

"And keep your whole body right where it is..." She says as she slides her hands down Deku's body and takes off his shirt completely.

'Oh no! Oh no, oh no, I c-can't move! Why is she doing this?! I never guessed she would be so aggressive with this kind of stuff, too!'

"My, my! Your body being covered in all my babies' soot makes you look like a sexy hard working engineer! Kind of a fantasy of mine, you know?" she slides her tongue along his chest and up to his mouth and begins sucking face once more.

'This is really really weird! And really really bad! Doesn't she know this could be considered rape?! How do I stop this?! I-I... I can't... And why do I... I'm starting to...'

Hatsume is caught off surprise as she starts to feel Deku's tongue moving around as well.

"Oh, Deku! I see you've come to join the fight after all! You can move around if you'd like, now..."

'Wait! She released me! Now's my chance...! Or... maybe...'

Deku gets up, but does not kill the mood. He slams Hatsume to the wall and holds both her arms up to it. Hatsume is beyond turned on, "Yes, Deku...! You're my baby now! Make me yours...!"

'What am I doing?! I can't help this! I can make a run for it right now...! But, her eyes... her hair... her massive b-'

Deku loses it as he puts his lips onto hers and they both get a good kick out of their tongue war.

The door slams open, "...Deku?!" Uraraka looks stunned as she sees him holding Hatsume up against the wall, both with salivated mouths.


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