❥Story 2: Middle

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"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU'RE SICK?!" A yell came from the cafe in the early morning as there sat in the office the owner of the yelling.

"I can't work if I'm sick right," said the person on the other side of the phone as his voice was muffled behind a mask as they coughed.

"I guess you can have the day off as you have finished all of your work for the week like always anyways.," the person says putting her hands at their waist,"Alright?"

"Okay boss."

Breathing in, the boss sighs,"I can't be mad at you right now seeing how helpless you are, Takahiro, but you know to call me Lyme."

"I am pretty sure you're the one who's helpless without me."


And the call ended with a giant crash from Lyme's side of the call as Takahiro had ended the call.

A knock on the door came as there was no answer as the door opened from the outside.

"Takahiro?" Lyme called as she walked in as she held a pair of keys looking around closing the door behind her as the lights were off to the hallway and to the living room as she walked to the bedroom as there sat was-


"I am," Takahiro says as he was under the bed sheets with a bunch of tissues underneath as his nose was inflamed red.

"Being sick doesn't meaning playing games you know," Lyme scolded,"What if I wasn't dating you or what if-"

"I would just go to work and have you pity me."

". . ."

Being silent for a little, Lyme sighed as this was typical of Takahiro to have an alibi for everything as he continued to press around the buttons on his handheld device as his phone was on to an automatic grind game.

"I brought you soup," Lyme says,"But as punishment for not taking care of yourself, finish your story."

"No thanks," Takahiro says as he goes back under the covers to fake going asleep as Lyme sighs even harder being internally furious at him.

Why is he such a child when it comes to socializing.

Lyme flashed back to the last thing he talked about a few days back, his high school career as she could understand why he is like this.

In high school, my social anxietal got worst. You could probably say my situation hasn't really changed as I experience a daily life of discrimination and such. Eventually, I found a freedom.

"Okay everyone, find someone to pair up and read with."

The sound of desks being dragged close to another as many have found pairs except those around Takahiro.

"You go partner with him!"

"No, way!"

"He went to my school and is that one kid who's too unexpected."

"Oh come on man! You say what-"

It was a horrible time indeed as this had continued on as those who paired up with me felt like it was a chore as eventually the teacher called me in to his office and asked what was actually wrong. I just said everything was fine, but him having experience, he knew I was lying as it should usually take about two to three minutes to pair up with a partner, not five. Noticing this, seats were arranged as I was moved to the back corner where only a few can complain.

"Hey. Hey!"

A voice cried out to me as I turned over.

"Let's work together," the person next to me said softly as for once, I did not feel lonely. Loneliness was the one thing that I have only felt throughout my life so far. The loneliness was expelled, through her.

It was my first love you could say as eventually, I began to interact with others. Others whom were her friends had begun to do also as well. For sure I knew it was out of pity for her.

One day, after class, walking through the hallways, my suspicions came true as not just my first love happened, but also my first heartbreak.

"I can't really stand him. He is smart and helping him benefits me also, but you know what they say."

"I get you, but try to last longer then-"

Hearing everything, I ran as suddenly I heard a scream and turned around. The scream was quite obvious as the girl who had used me, would frame me also.

I was accused of rape and sexual harassment as I was publicly shamed within the school as every student had looked at me with disgust and murderous looks.

"Of course he would be like that."

"He's the definition of a closet."

I had requested for a polygraph to be done as I was a smart person to know what it is, but being a smart person, I also realized that of course, the culprit wouldn't own up. Eventually, I ran away from my situation and moved schools.

Every night, I was tormented by thoughts as I was mentally scarred and felt betrayed.

"I didn't do it."

"I didn't do it."

"I didn't do it."

"I didn't do it."

"I didn't do it."

As I've left that place, I went to a new school as my stage of life became anew. Still didn't have any friends. Live a life of solitary. I came to realize that socializing is just what the world considers as the norm and humanity is just a rotation around each other.

Lyme sighs she looked back at the man who she called her loved one.
"Taka..." she sighed as she felt bad for him. He wasn't a NEET by choice, but by trauma. Slowly, she laid next to him as she was under the blanket with him as she kissed his forehead admiring his sleeping face and slowly went to sleep.


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