Chapter 2

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Kira looks around, once again fear takes a hold of her body and she freezes. "Answer the question or I'll kill you." The man spits at her as he waits for a reply. "Well?..." He crosses his arms as he begin to lose his patience towards her. Finally, her fear takes over fully and she starts to step back putting her hands up for protection. "I'm Kira, Mr Leone just purchased me from the auction." The male looks at her before smiling. "Looks like my little brother is finally becoming a man." He replies, his whole demeanor changing in an instant. "I'm Cedric, I'm Alec's older brother." He looks Kira up and down before shrugging. "I'm here to collect you and take you to your room, I'm unsure as to why since we have plenty of other people who would do that." Kira looks to Cedric before looking around for help. "I am to stay until someone comes to collect me." She replies, a little hesitant to walk to the strange man. "If I do not listen to Mr Leone's orders I will be punished." She bows her head only to hear a sudden burst of laughter come from her master's brothers mouth. Looking up confused, she shifts her weight trying not to seem awkward or out of place. "Punished!" He laughs. "My brother doesn't believe in slavery, let alone punishment." He adds, sounding so sure of himself. 

He carries on laughing when the sound of footsteps is heard coming from the staircase. "That is enough Cedric." Kira turns her head to see that Alec has returned to greet her and she actually relaxes a little bit. "Sorry bro, I tried to make her laugh after scaring the shit out of her." 

"Why did you do that?"

"She's new, her scent is human and smells good so, I thought maybe a snack."

"You are childish to think that...And, I'm meant to be the younger brother."

"Ease up Alec, the girl is fine isn't she.." Cedric replies before looking to a now confused Kira. Not knowing what to do, she looks around for a place to hide hoping that this is some kind of dream and that it isn't happening. Finally, after looking around she closes her eyes and bends down, covering her ears with her hands. Unsure what to do, the boys look at her before Alec disappears through a door before coming back with a young woman. "Miss?" The young girl says. "Miss?" She asks again. This time Kira looks up and relaxes a little before realising that both of the men are still here. The young woman offers her hand and Kira takes it before suddenly getting a leash put on her. "Lois is to take you to your room to." The woman, Lois, nods and gently pulls at the lead signaling for her to follow. "You are to remained leashed until this day is over. If you are still slightly disobedient, you are to wear the leash until further notice. Do you understand?" 

"Yes Mr Leone." Kira replies before following the woman up the stairs to her new room. As this is happening the men look at each other before Cedric shakes his head in surprise. "I thought you didn't like treating them badly." He infers before crossing his arms. "I don't but, I have to set an example remember." Alec sighs and bows his head before going into a room thus leaving Cedric alone in the hallway. "Well, looks like he found a good one." He mutters to himself as he starts to walk towards the kitchen. 

As Kira walks with the maid, she takes in the decor of the staircase. The stairs themselves seem to be covered in marble which is then complemented with a rouge carpet in the middle. The hand rails appear to be a dark red mahogany and the banister is white to match the stairs. As she starts to slow down, she feels a tug on her neck. Looking up at the maid, she realises that she has stopped. "Please don't stop miss. You must be taken to your room." Kira nods and hurries up the stairs.

As they reach a hallway, she looks around again, only this time she is being watched by other people, who she guesses are vampires. As they walk she hears some of the things that the people are saying. "She smells nice." Says a blonde girl.

"Ooo, fresh meat." Says another as she walks a quicker pace. She walks that fast she almost trips over the maid when she stops in front of an oak door. "This is your room miss, please go inside and get ready for the masters dinner at 5pm sharp." With that, the maid opens the door and Kira walks inside.
The room is big with a four-poster bed, walk-in wardrobe and an ensuite bathroom. The colours of the room are pretty standard for the house: fancy wallpaper with flowers on it and a grey carpet. Although Kira wasn't a fan of black, she feels as though this room fits her perfect and when she sees the bed, she instantly heads to it to try its firmness. Once she sits on, she sighs and thinks "at least it's more comfortable than that at the pet shop".

She continues to look around the room and notices a clock. 12:30pm. She smiles a little when she realises she has a lot of time to kill however, that is soon ruined by a knock on the door. Before she can say anything, the door opens revealing one of the girls she walked passed earlier. "You must be the fresh meat. I'm Allayah." Kira nods in acknowledgment as she takes a look at the female. "Now, I'm sure you were told a couple of house rules by Alec but, probably not all of them." Allayah looks Kira over before scowling when she see's the tattoos.
"I'm surprised he even bought you, you are not even his type." Kira scoffs a little but then remembers where she is. "Okay, that is definitely worthy of a punishment." Kira winces. "You do not show any rebellion here otherwise punishment is in order. Also, you only speak when spoken too as you a slave not a member of the household. You do as you are told and do not even think about disobeying orders if you do, no matter the severity, you will be beaten. Do you understand?" Kira doesn't answer. "You answer my question as soon as it is asked. Do you understand."
"Yes miss."
"Good. Now there are clothes in the wardrobe that are appropriate for slave wear. You must shower now and wait for a maid to come in and and make you ready for the dinner. If you are not ready by 5pm you will be punished. Is that clear?"
"Yes." With that, Allayah nods and goes to leave before stopping at the door. "Because you are new, I will let you off with your slight rebellion. Next time, you will not be as lucky." Allayah walks out of the door, slamming the door behind her.

Kira stands there for a moment before walking towards the wardrobe and opening it. As she does, she sees all the revealing items she has to wear. Each piece has a label on it and a matching the collar. Looking at each label, she finds the one with "dinner" written on it and pulls it out. "You have got to be kidding me!" She exclaims before groaning loudly. "I need to get the fuck out of here and fast." She stands there, outfit in hand, pondering her options before looking at the time. 1:30. "Shit" she says before hurrying into the bathroom. Turning on water and climbing in, Kira takes a really quick shower before climbing out and heading straight back into the bedroom, towel wrapped around her body tightly. Within a few seconds of her being the bedroom, a knock is heard. "Hello?" The door opens revealing a young woman. "I'm Lilly, I'm here to get you ready for the master." Kira nods and stands there waiting for the Lilly to come at her. When she doesn't Kira lifts an eyebrow. "Y'know you can enter the room." As soon as she says that, the maid enters holding a make-up box. She gestures to a vanity that is in the corner of the room and Kira walks over and takes a seat, waiting for the inevitable.

As soon as she sits, the maid gets straight to work making Kira look like a whore and once the face is done she starts to cover the tattoos. After what seems like a day, the maid finishes and leaves the room to allow Kira to get dressed in peace. "At least I get a little privacy." She says before looking at her outfit.

Once she's dressed, Kira opens the door to see that the maid is waiting for her. "We must leave now, otherwise we will be late." Kira nods before the maid attaches a lead to her. Walking down the hall, Kira looks more at the decor before focusing on what she's wearing.

After a few minutes the reach the dining hall and enters. As she walks in she sees Allayah who is giving her daggers and other people she doesn't recognise. We eyes finally fall onto her master who is sitting at the end of the table wearing a dark green velvet suit that seems to match what she is wearing. When she reaches the table, Mr Leone gestures to a seat next to him. Taking it, her leash is handed to him by the maid and she leaves. Looking her over he scowls. "Kira, where are the tattoos that you have in the picture?"
"They were covered sir for your pleasure."
"Well, I don't like it. For that you will not be dining with us." Kira looks down scared. "You will be eating with the rest of the slaves in the next room. You do not look worthy of a pet."
"Well, shit."Kira thinks before suddenly being dragged off her chair.

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