Chapter 4

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Alec walks away towards a room not to far away from the dining room. When he looks back, he sees his mother eyeing Kira. "Mother now, please." With that she turns around, annoyance etched into her normally flawless features. As she walks, Alec enters a room that is filled high with bookcases; a small table, a couch and a computer in the space left.

Alec takes a seat at his desk, his arms resting on it's mahoganey top as he waits patiently for his mother to enter. As she does, he scowls. "Oh honey, did you see what that atrocious child did?"
"How could you not? The way she spoke to me. Surely you heard her?"
"Yes, I did hear her. However, the way I heard it was more on the polite and apologetic side of things."
"How dare you stick up for that little...thing."
"That 'thing' mother, is my new purchase. Her name is Kira and I would appreciate if you would treat her nicely and not like one of yours and Chrystia's slaves." His mother was about to speak but, a knock is heard on the door. "Yes, come in." Lee enters and bows. "Apologies sir, but there is a young, red-haired girl crying in the lobby. Should I send her away?"
"No Lee, it's fine. I will see to her myself." With that, Lee bows and leaves the room, closing the door behind him. Once it's shut, Alec looks to his mother. "See, this is what you cause."
"Just don't Maria, please just go back to what you were doing and leave me to clean up your mess."
"Yes son." Maria leaves in an instant, leaving the door open as she does. Alec sighs before shaking his head. "This is going to be hard for her." He says to himself before standing, moving from the table and heads towards the door.

Once he leaves, he shuts the door behind him. Walking down the corridor, Alec thinks of ways to help improve Kira's stay at the castle. At the moment, it seems near impossible considering a) what he is and b) his family are very...old-school. He ponders for a while, almost forgetting his task of retrieving the young girl from the terror of his mothers fury.

When he arrives he sees Kira sat in the corner of the hallway, her legs brought up fully to her chest as she mutters quietly to herself, cursing for being here. She doesn't see him at first and continues to say profanities to herself about the family and only looks up when Alec proceeds to cough. Startled, she stands straight up; her head hung low in shame. "I'm sorry sir, I didn't see you there."

"Are you okay?" He asks. She is taken back by his concern and stutters before answering "Fine, I guess." He looks down and shakes his head before looking back into Kira's piercing purple eyes. "Did she hurt you? Touch you in any way?"
"No, she only scared me when I bumped into her."
"Is that it? No hidden wounds or damage?"
"Unless you count emotional and mental damage..." She tries to joke, only to see that he is genuinely concerned for her. "Honestly, I'm okay. Just shaken." He knows the first bit is the truth and he is slightly happy that she is a little bit comfortable with him. "I'm guessing the woman was your mother?" She asks before realising where she still is. "Sorry sir, that wasn't needed."

"No, it's okay. Yes, she is my mother but I don't really like associating myself with that side of the family. To me, they are a little more...wild." He replies to her. Kira stands there finally seeing that he isn't some stuck up moron that she originally thought he was. "Kira, would you like to have dinner? Just yourself and I?" He asks formally. Looking uncomfortable, he realises how bad that sounds. "I don't mean in that sense. You must be hungry considering that not only did I get in the way, so did my annoying little sister." She settles a little bit but, you can still see the concern on her face. "Sure..." He smiles. "Excellent." A maid comes to Kira's side but, Alec just sends her away. "We don't need to make you anymore presentable. That isn't the reason I bought you." Kira looks both confused and relieved by that statement. "Come, I will have them serve food instantly." 

They reach the dining room and the whole atmosphere seemed to change instantly. Everything to seem more calming more...pleasant compared to everywhere else. Alec sits down at the table and motions her to sit not completely next to him, but not to far away either; this seems to calm her a little bit and sensing this, Alec also seems to relax. Kira walks up to the chair and sits nicely whilst the food is being served. Once the maids leave, they start eating. "So Kira, I need you to be truthful...Do you like being here?"
"No." Kira didn't need to think about it because it was the truth. "I hate the whole idea behind it all." She adds, not sure if she had. "I see. What are you true thoughts of the system?"

"My thoughts?...My thoughts will get me punished if I truly said what I think." She replies, not falling for his tricks. "That is where you are wrong Kira. You will not be punished for you thoughts when you are alone with me. In the presence of my superiors or my family yes but, not alone." She nods, still unsure how to think. "Now, please tell me. What are you thoughts?"

"I think that the entire system is bullshit. Since you beasts came into power my kind haven't stood a chance. From a young age we are drilled stupid nonsense just so that when we are old enough, we get the "Pleasure" of being bought. It's wrong. We are now only being born for either our blood or for fun. Soon, there will be nothing left for my kind except for living like cattle and being killed when our purpose is fulfilled." She let's all of this spill from her brain out of her mouth because she feels as though she needs to. "For 16 years I ran away from your kind. Sleeping during the day for a bout 3 hours, eating when I needed to and only spending money when I seriously had too." She recalls the time when her mother used to help her but only finds herself getting more angry because of the torture she was put through protecting her only child. "You take people away from their families and sell them to slavery for money that you don't even need. Money that can help my kind to thrive along side yours." Tears start to form in her eyes again. Alec notices her passion, her angry, every emotion because, in his eyes, she is merely a kid. "If you evaded us for so long, how did you end up in the pet shop?"
"That was through my own stupidity. I was walking to my next destination when I saw a shop. I hadn't eaten for days and it started to show so, I went in and bought something only for the clerk to be a stupid monster."
"So, he gave you up?"
"No, he got his little minions to follow me to my only remaining safe house in the area. When I started to sleep the bastards kidnapped me, drugged me and then through me in the back of their fucking truck before driving to that retched place." 

Unsure how to answer, Alec just sat there; his own hatred for his kind starting to come through. Alec never knew the severity of what his kind were actually doing because he chose to be ignorant of the outside world, hence why he had rarely gone to an auction. "Kira, I..." He get's interupted by a knock and instantly he pulls a leash out of his pocket, and attaches it to her without even moving. Knowing what was happening, she moves into the seat next to his and hides her plate, leaving only a small plate with a bit of chicken. Alec gives her an apologetic look before saying "Come in". In comes the girl from before. "What do you want now?" 

"I came to see why our mother was upset."

"And that's your concern...Why?"

"Oh come on Alec, you know anything that happens I get told about. I hope you're punishing the little thing."

"What I do with my pets is completely up to me. I have told you this before." Alec retorts as he starts to get a little frustrated. "Now, if you don't mind I am trying to enjoy my meal in private."

"I do mind. We haven't finished our conversation. Plus, I want to see how much of a loyal slave your little pet is." She replies with a smile. Looking at her, she looks more like a young child than a ruthless killer. "I'm sure you don't mind...Right?" Alec sighs knowing damn well that he is defeated and offers a chair opposite Kira. She takes it and smiles before looking directly at Kira. "Shouldn't you be sat on the floor and eating with your hands. Honestly, she already thinks she royalty." She looks Kira up and down. "In other words, sit on the cold floor whilst your master and I talk." Kira looks to Alec and he nods. She stands up, her collar and leash on full show and goes to take the plate. "Without the plate. You don't deserve to be fed. I will instead indulge in your meal." She leaves the plate and sits down near Alec, again tears forming in her already swollen eyes. 

Back to ignoring her, Alec's sister turns her attention to her brother. "Now brother, you and I have some important matters to discuss"

"Such as?"

"Your birthday and taking the throne over from father."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2019 ⏰

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