Chapter 3

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Kira looks to Alec as she gets dragged from the room by the maid earlier. Once we leave the room, Lois stops and looks at her apologetically. "I'm sorry miss, I did not know that the master liked the tattoos. I will remember from now on." She says, tears forming in her eyes. "It's fine, I didn't like being in the place anyway. It's way to fucking posh for my likings." Kira replies and the maid wipes away her tears before leading her into the dinning room next door. When they enter, all eyes go onto Kira and some of them look in admiration whilst others look at her with a scorn. "This is where you will be eating tonight miss."

"Please, call me Kira and thank you, it's nice to meet you all." A young girl about the age of 12 moves away from her seat and walks towards Kira, the girls eyes fixated on hers. "Uhhh..." Kira puts her hands up in a defensive manner and the girl stops. "What pretty eyes you have. No wonder my brother chose you to add to his 'Collection'." She replies happily.

Kira looks to the young girl, confusion etched into her features. "You see, my brother goes for the unusual. Seeing as those purple eyes of yours are quite unusual, I can see why he added you to; so to speak."
"What do you mean?"
"What I mean child is that you are merely an interest in my brothers eyes. Once you bore him, he will probably kill you or buy you eye contacts to make you look...normal."
Kira steps back when hearing it. "Oh, where are my manners. I am Crystia. I am the youngest in the Leone family.  Alec is the second oldest at being 20 however, do not let our appearence fool you. Not only can we kill you in less than a second, we can also make you disappear in an instant." Crystia's eyes go from their ocean blue colour to that of a deep red full of anger, hunger and intimidation.

Kira wants to leave, her fear making her heart almost want to escape her chest. Her normal fighting spirit disappearing as every second passes. She feels as though she is about to faint when someone barges through the door. "Enough playing Crys." A familiar voice says. "Can't you see she is about to drop?'
"Ahh brother, what a pleasant surprise. Come to see if your pet is still alive?" She looks to Kira who hasn't moved a muscle. "The answer to that, unfortunately, is yes she is." Alec's eyes flash red. "Enough Crystia. Kira at my side this instant." When she doesn't respond he steps towards her and she flinches before finally going towards him. "Sorry sir, I didn't mean to disobey."
"Apology excepted. Now, please leave the room and wait outside the door. This problem needs to be handled appropriately." Kira nods and pratically runs outside the room allowing Alec to look as she leaves before looking at his sister with complete scorn. "How dare you. She is meant to feel welcome in this home and yet, you treat as is she is a slave in YOUR household."
"Oh brother, you do not need to stand up for something that you...BOUGHT. So, do you really want to go against me?" Crystia's eyes go a strange shade of white and as it happens the air around them gets colder; a lot colder. "I will if I have to."
"Hmph, you always have been so protective over your toys...haven't you.."
"She is not a toy."
"We'll see." With that, Crystia disappears as Alec let out a shaky breath before he looks at his 'slaves'. "I apologise for that. Please assure that for your troubles, you will be getting paid compensation. Thank you." Alec turns around, heads to the door and opens it. As he does, he looks back to see if anyone was injured. As he does this, he doesn't see that Kira is infront of him and walks straight into her, knocking her to the floor.

She doesn't say a word. Without looking at him, she picks herself off of the floor, wipes herself down and carries on being the 'pet' that she is meant to be. Alec watches her as she does this, wondering if she was hurt or not and guessing by how quiet she is being, she is keeping up to the rules. "I wish she wouldn't be so...normal." He thinks to himself before shaking his head and grabbing her wrist. She flinches as he does this, automatically making him release her. "I apologise for my sisters actions. You are not hurt in anyway are you?" She looks up, her purple eyes full of tears and fear as she shakes her head. "No sir, I will be okay in a few moments." With that she wipes her eyes and stands up straight. "Sir, if it is okay with you, I would like to return to my room." Alec doesn't say a word, he just nods. Kira turns around and instantly walks away, her heart beating fast, her mind jumbled and full of all kinds of thoughts.

Alec watches her leave, her red hair moving gracefully as she walks to the end of the hall where she abruptly stops. She holds out her hands in innocence when he suddenly sees a long grey haired woman, with a long black velvet dress on. The womans hair is half-up, whilst the rest is neatly curled.

Alec walks forward, the figure becoming a lot more clearer the closer he gets. He can also see Kira, walking fearful backwards, her arms in a defensive position; her eyes widen then an owls at night. As he approaches he hears "how dare you barge into me. Do you even know who and what I am?" The voice is so familiar that Alec gulps. "I'm sorry madame, I did not mean to...I...I was only trying to get back to my room."
"Silence, did I tell you to speak child."
Alec reaches the figure and gasps. The woman doesn't see Alec walk up and is about to hit Kira before he grabs the womans arm. "Enough mother."
"How dare y-...oh Alec, my sweet boy."
"Kira leave us. Mother my office now."

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