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"Don't worry Mrs. Dennis Jonathan is going to be in good hands," A nurse said to a worried mother as her child was admitted to Rosemary Mental Hospital.

Speaking of said child; he looked bored standing next to the nurse as he watched his mother sign the last of the forms. He knew his mother wanted him to be "normal" and thought this program will help achieve that goal. He's a 15 year old maybe he just have problems that'll he'll just grow out.

This all started was when his mother had filled out a mental form quiz online. She wanted to see if it was normal to act the way he did. Apparently it wasn't; taking him immediately to a psychiatrist he was diagnosed with a thing called Body Dysmorphic Disorder and brief psychotic disorder. So what if he hates his face and won't take off the hockey mask. It could just be from shyness.

Then the psychiatrist mentioned this program and now this is his life for the next couple of weeks, months, maybe even years until he can get over his "problems".

"Jonathan you know I love you," his mother said getting his attention.

"But this is for the best. I want you to be able to be in this society as a normal person," she said.

"Don't worry Mrs. Dennis he'll be okay," the nurse said as Jonathan was lead away from his mother.

They entered a room where they took his personal belongings; his phone, shoes, anything that seemed to look like a weapon and or distraction they took. They tried to take the mask but he made sure to let them know that he needs it. They gave him some socks and clothes to change into for now as they processed his stuff. Walking down the halls was eerily quiet for Jonathan. Even more quiet then walking down the hallways from school. They lead him to a room with another teen inside as there were two beds in room.

"Alright Jonathan this is your new home for now. This is also your roommate Luke who's been here for a bit. I hope you two can become friends," the nurse said cheerfully as Jonathan walked inside.

Luke was a brown haired teen with brown eyes. He was already sporting a small beard making Jonathan touch his smooth chin. Luke was laying on a bed looking at the nurse with annoyances and then towards Jonathan with interest.

"Don't worry Nurse Sylvy I'll make sure he feels safe," Luke said smoothly getting up from the bed.

"First meeting is in 10 minutes why don't you help him get settled in," she said as she left the room.

"So you come here often," Luke said making Jonathan roll his eyes.

"Why the mask," Luke asked as he watched Jonathan put his stuff away.

"Because fuck off," Jonathan said as he changed into his new clothes.

"Ouch grouchy much," Luke said as Jonathan sat on the bed.

"Yeah because living my life here is definitely what I want to do," Jonathan said.

"Eh it's not perfect but at least you won't have annoying parents to tell you what to do," Luke said as a toll rang.

"That mean it's meeting time," Luke said walking out.

Jonathan followed behind and he could see several other teens heading were Luke was going. They entered through some double doors and there was a set of chairs in a circle. Teens sat down and Jonathan saw his name on a seat. He sat down and noticed he was between a bleached blonde teen and a short Hispanic teen.

"Alright Welcome to morning meeting," a cheerful nurse said as some of the teams groaned.

"There's no point in this meeting," a teen called out making the others laugh.

"Come on now we have a new person today, so I assigned everyone a seat ," the nurse said.

"Again this is stupid," a different teen said.

"I'll go first, I'm Nurse Eli and I'm here to help you guys. Alright Anthony you're up," Eli said as she motioned towards a teen with brown hair and a bit chubby.

"Oh I'm Anthony and I have Schizophrenia," Anthony said.

"I'm Brian and I have Multiple Personality Disorder," a teen with an Irish accent said as he brushed back his brown hair.

"Hi I'm Brock and I have Major Depression," another chubby teen said smiling at everyone.

"Hi I'm Bryce and I have OCD," a blonde hair teen said cheerfully.

"I'm Craig and I have Dependent Personality Disorder," a british teen said fidgeting in his seat.

"Hi my name is David and I have Autism," another Irish teen said who was freakishly taller then the rest of the class.

"You already know me but I'm Evan and I have Narcissistic Personality Disorder; whatever that means," an Asian teen said broadly.

"Hi I'm Jaren and I'm a Kleptomaniac," a teen said with a pen in his hand.

"Give me my pen back Jaren," Nurse Eli said as he handed it back.

"My name's John and I'm a bit crazy....," the bleached hair teen said but frowned.

"Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room; a rubber room. A rubber room filled with rats, and I hate rats because rats make me crazy. Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room; a rubber room. A rubber room filled with rats, and I hate rats because rats make me crazy," John said.

"John snap out of it," Jaren said snapping his fingers in front of his face.

"Oh sorry happens from time to time," John said making Jonathan realize it was his turn.

"Don't worry Jonathan we'll introduce you last," Nurse Eli said as she motioned towards him.

"Hi I'm Lui and I have ADH- do any of you have gummy bears," Lui said in a squeaker voice.

"Names Luke and I have PTSD," Luke said.

"I'm Marcel and I have Agoraphobia," a black teen said looking towards the exit every once in a while.

"I'm Ryan and I'm anorexic," a teen with a bandana around his eyes said looking really skinny.

"I'm Scotty and I'm bulimic," A lanky teen said.

"Waddup I'm Tyler and I'm Bipolar," the last teen said and Jonathan realized he would have to go.

"Alright introduce yourself," Nurse Eli said and Jonathan took a deep breath.

"Hi I'm Jonathan; I have Body Dysmorphic Disorder and Brief Psychotic Disorder."

This is the first time I have ever put Smii7y or Kryoz in a story. But this is focusing on everyone and their problems. Something I wanted to do at the spur of the moment.

With lots of love 💛


Brofish 👊🐟

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2018 ⏰

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