Chapter Three, Meeting the Family

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Edited 18/5/2020

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Edited 18/5/2020

Chapter Three, Meeting the family

"Ardelle?" Emmett said as he tried to wake her from her sleep. He and Riley chuckled when she just groaned and went back to sleep snuggling into them. "Ardelle come on its time to wake up now as we're at the Volutere." Riley said chuckling again as she immediately shot awake at that. Ardelle looked out of the window a wide smile spreading across her face as she shot out of the car faster than Emmett and Riley thought possible. Emmett and Riley shared a shocked look before looking at the Volturi members seeing that they weren't bothered about her flying out of the car in fact they seemed used to it as they gracefully climbed out of the car shooting them a look as if to say 'What're you waiting for go after her.'

Emmett and Riley didn't need telling twice as they fled out of the car after their mate which was a good thing otherwise the Volturi wouldn't be so kind to them in regards to their precious Ardelle. "Elle wait," both Emmett and Riley called to her as they ran after but not in their vampire speed which they were regretting not doing as their mate sped away from them. Ardelle looked over her shoulders and as she saw her mates racing after her she picked up her speed until they had reached their vampire speed until they were standing on either side of her. "Elle why did you race off like? Anything could have happened to you." Emmett and Riley said firmly looking at their mate worriedly.

"I wanted to get back to my dad to see how my godfather is doing." Ardelle said with worry and self loathing present in her emerald green eyes that were dulled slightly due to her raging emotions. "And to tell him, Uncle Caius and Uncle Aro about the both of you so they don't attack you." Ardelle said honestly. Emmett and Riley sighed as they felt their inner vampire rage at them. Their vampire was angry that their little mate had to protect them when it was their job to do the protecting and not the other way around. Their very inner vampire was stating that they were being horrible mates for their little one to be wanting to protect them.

"Elle, listen to me you don't need to protect us we're the ones who are meant to protect you and your dad and uncles are only doing the same by wanting to make sure we're good enough for you and I can assure you that we will be doing everything in our power to prove ourselves to them." Riley said fiercely. Ardelle sighed she knew there was no point in arguing with over-protective vampires especially as two are her mates. She had since she was seven years old to figure that out as all of the Volturi were over-protective of her and she came to realise years ago that arguing and rebelling against them only made the over-protectiveness worse but she'd soon let her mates know if they were stifling her just like she did with her family.

"Okay," Ardelle conceded 'For the time being.' She thought deviously as she smirked mentally though on the outside she was smiling sweetly at her mates and they were falling hook line and sinker. "I'm sorry for running off but I feel safer inside the Volutere." She told them and she honestly did feel safer when she was inside the Volutere as she knew that neither Dumbledore's, The Ministry's or even any of Voldemort's minions could enter the Volutere without the permission of either her dad or her Uncles Aro and Caius.

Emmett and Riley shared a look as they finally understood why the Volturi were so agitated to get back as soon as possible and why Ardelle had took off like that as soon as the car stopped. It wasn't only that she wanted to see her godfather, uncles and dad it was because she didn't feel safe out here and they recalled the conversation they had with the members of the Volturi while she slept on the plane. "Okay little one lets get inside." Emmett said smiling at his little mate he wanted to wrap her in his arms and never let go, to kiss her and show her how much he loved her already but he knew she wasn't ready for that and he didn't have to have Edward's or Jasper's powers to see that Riley was feeling the same way as he did.

Ardelle glared at her larger mate for calling her 'little one.' And turned on her heel giving Alec and Jane an expectant look as she waited for them to be let in so she could rush off to the Throne room where no doubt her dad was sat with her uncles. Sighing as if put apon Alec looked at his sister with contempt which was ruined by the amusement that he was trying and failing to hide from his face. "Calm down Ardelle and give me a chance to open the door." Alec chastised as he reached into the inside pocket of his cloak and took out a bronze coloured key inserting it into the key hole of the large double doors that were done in a dark cherry wood with Celtic knots and natural wood on both of the doors.

Ardelle nodded her head but the others could see she wasn't going to calm down until she was inside those doors, not that they could blame her with all that she's been through but they still wished she'd calm down less she hurts herself like she did when she came home after her fourth year she was so scared and wanted nothing more to be inside the safe walls of the castle that she had tripped over a lose flag stone and cut her head slightly, luckily none of the vampires residing in the castle wanted her blood but they did all become over-protective (more than they already were) of her for the rest of the holidays. Needless to say that flag stone was gone and a brand new one was put in place the moment Marcus had heard about it.

As soon as the doors were unlocked Ardelle threw the doors open and took off down the hall leading the way to the Throne room with her mates and the members of the Volturi guard calling after her. "Dad!" Ardelle shouted as she flung open the throne room doors not stopping until she was right at the foot of the platform where her dad and uncles sat immediately putting a stop to whatever they were talking about. "Elle." Marcus said in relief glad that his daughter had returned home safe to them as he gracefully got of off his throne holding his arms out wide for Ardelle who wasted no time in running into her fathers cold but protective embrace. "Dad? How's Sirius?" Ardelle asked uncertainly from where she rested her head on Marcus's chest.

"He's doing fine Elle. Aro, Caius and I think he will wake any day now. And I want you to stop blaming yourself for what happened it is not your fault okay?" Marcus asked, Ardelle nodded her head absently, sighing Marcus brought his daughter closer to him he knew she wouldn't believe it wasn't her fault until she saw Sirius was alright with her own eyes and only then it will be after Sirius himself had told her that he didn't blame her. Marcus was so concerned with making sure his daughter was alright that he didn't notice the two newcomers that had entered after his daughter or the fact that they were developing very strong bonds with his daughter but that didn't stop his brothers from noticing them.

Marcus and Ardelle were brought out of their thoughts by Aro's slightly enraged voice whipping around the room as if he had screamed it at the top of his lungs. "Jane? Alec? Why is there a member of the Cullen Clan and a newborn in my castle?"

 "Jane? Alec? Why is there a member of the Cullen Clan and a newborn in my castle?"

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