Chapter Two, Journey Home

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Edited 18/5/20/20

Chapter Two, Journey Home

"Ahh. I see you have made it here early. Good. That has improved our impression of the both of you. Keep this up and we may let you be with my sister." Alec said to Emmett and Riley who'd just appeared beside them. He was beginning to get impressed with these two and their willingness to travel with them to be with their mate knowing that they were greatly outnumbered if he or Jane decided to have them killed, but they wouldn't do that to their precious sister Marcus would rip them apart for starters but they preferred not to let Emmett and Riley know that.

"We wanted to be with our mate as soon as possible." Emmett answered. "We may not like each other or like that we have to share her but we both agree that we'd never ask for a different mate and that's without knowing her."
"How is she?" Riley asked looking over at his mate still sleeping in Felix's arms.

"She is fine she's just had a rough couple of weeks," Jane answered looking at her sister's sleeping form. She was worried about her sister she'd been seriously injured when they picked her up from that retched school and she has been depressed ever since her Godfather was gravelly injured rescuing her, only the knowledge that Marcus had bitten her godfather and that the impending, now current change had pulled her out of the spiralling depression she'd found herself in. Jane hoped these Doms would be good for her otherwise there'd be hell to pay.

Emmett and Riley shared a worried glance what could have happened to their mate to make the Volturi worried. "Why what's happened to her?" Emmett asked.

"That is not to be discussed out in the open there are people who wish to harm her and given the chance they would attack and there are others who wish to control her life and take her from us where she is safe and loved. We will tell you everything once we get to Voultere." Alec answered before he boarded the plane putting an end to the discussion.

The quick flight seemed longer to Emmett and Riley due to their mate still being asleep and the awkward silence that ensued between them and the Volturi. Emmett finally having had enough of the silence and wanting something that was bugging him answered cleared his throat attracting everyone's attention to him. "I'm just curious why her godfather is being changed? And who'd want to harm her?" Emmett asked and he could tell from Riley's expression that he was interested as well.

"Why does her godfather's turning concern you?" Jane sneered. Alec raised his hand to stop her from saying anything else.

"Jane they're only curious and we did say when we got back we would explain everything." Alec told Jane before turning to his sister's two mates. "I will tell you now that I won't be explaining everything to you now but you will know everything later. Now the first thing you need to know is that Ardelle is a witch and her godfather is a wizard. The reason for her godfather being changed is because a few weeks ago he was gravelly injured rescuing Elle and her friends from a group of evil wizards and witches along with the wizard who murdered her parents in front of her when she was just a babe.

Elle has been in such a deep depression as she blames herself for her godfather getting injured as the evil wizard, Voldemort had led her into a trap. She asked Marcus to turn him which he was more than happy to do. Any of us would have been more than happy to do it as we wanted the happy excitable Elle back." Alec finished.

"As for those who want to hurt her." Jane continued. "There is currently a war brewing in the Wizarding World and the light side want her to fight for them as they're all to cowardly and also because her headmaster who is also the supposed leader of the light got this teacher to create a fake prophecy; which Ardelle found the truth about when Demetri snuck into their Ministry to find out the truth. They created it to make her fight for them and end up sacrificing herself for them. Due to this prophecy the dark side have been hunting her down since she was a baby. Her Headmaster Dumbledore has also been trying to find out where she stays in the holidays with no success." Jane finished with a smirk spread wide across her face.

For the rest of the journey home the members of the Voultri told Emmett and Riley everything they needed to know about their mate in order to not only protect her but also to get to know her which included all that had happened to her at Hogwarts and that Marcus had pulled her out of Hogwarts for good when she finished for the summer a week ago, though Jane was more hesitant than the others but she always had trouble trusting people except for Ardelle.

Jane took to the girl instantly when she first arrived when she was only a scared and frightened seven year old. Half way through the journey Ardelle woke up from her sleep for only six vampires to start fussing over her almost obsessively. She sent a glare to her 'brother' and 'sister' as she knew they had told her mates everything that had happened to her over the years and now she had two more overprotective vampires to add onto the already extensively long list.

Turning away from her brother and sister as she knew they meant well. Ardelle spent the rest of the plane and also the car journey to the Voultere getting to know both of her mates, though she made sure to give them the equal amount of attention and to include both of her mates in her questions. She enjoyed spending the time with them and she could tell by their expressions they liked spending time with her, well she hoped they did.

Ardelle smiled and snuggled up to both of her mates in the back of the car she couldn't wait to start her new life with both of her mates and her godfather once he woke up. 'And I wouldn't change anything in the world for the large family I have.' Ardelle thought happily as she drifted back off to sleep not noticing the concerned looks from her family or her mates.

' Ardelle thought happily as she drifted back off to sleep not noticing the concerned looks from her family or her mates

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