Chapter Nine, Prepairing for Battle

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Chapter Nine, Preparing for Battle

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Chapter Nine, Preparing for Battle

The four Lord of Volturi; Sirius, Marcus, Aro and Caius were sat in the Throne room with Ardelle, her mates; Emmett and Riley (who had discovered had the power of Telekinesis), Jane and Alec we're discussing all they knew of their opponents and the best course of action to take. While Jasper and Felix trained everyone in the courtyard ready for the fast approaching battle. They wanted to have Ardelle with them at all times with her mates along with Jane and Alec with her so she was well protected, as Sirius knew how sneaky and devious Dumbledore could be especially when he was desperate.

"He'll likely try to take out those closest to me first." Ardelle pitched in not looking up from her game of Wizards chess. They were playing in teams, Jane was on her team while Emmett was with Alec. Riley was watching right now acting as judge as Emmett liked to cheat and he would play the winner. The four stopped Lords stopped talking looking towards the young girl they greatly cared for. "Why would you say that dear one?" Aro asked confused. He knew of this Wizard for all the trouble and trials he had put her through while at that school but he had personally never had to deal with him.

"He took Siri from me and made me live at the Dursley's until I was six and they abandoned me here. He knew Siri was innocent as he performed the charm that hid my parents and I, he would have known when the secret keeper was changed. But he chose to do nothing and send Siri to prison so I would grow up unloved and starving for any kind of affection. He was furious when I was sorted into Slytherin and turned out more like my grandmother and came to Hogwarts not abused or starving for affection. I saw it on his face before he hid it. He kept Remus away from me for thirteen years and only brought him to me after the Chambet of Secrets.

And then took him away again and Siri escaped. Siri kept in touch with me whereas Remus didn't that much. After Voldemort came back he allowed Remus contact with me again. I think he prays on Remus because he's a werewolf makes him believe that he's dangerous to be near me all the time." Ardelle explained. Sirius agreeing with his amazing Goddaughter adding what he knew of Dumbledore from his time at school till he joined the Order of Phoenix in the First War. As they were discussing the doors were thrown open a vampire running in at full speed and Ardelle found herself suddenly behind everyone as Alec and Jane ready to use their powers to protect her when Aro realised it was Carlisle and called the two off, for now.

"What is it Carlisle? You are supposed to be training." Aro asked a frown contorting his beautiful vampiric features. Although Emmett and Riley refused to stand from their crouched positions in front of Ardelle and Sirius refused to lift the Sticking Charm he had placed on the vampire. They still didn't trust him very much. "I received a text from Edward, Aro." Carlisle said sullenly. "Bella has been changed into a vampire and they have joined with Dumbledore, they are on human blood now and are stronger." He hesitated for a moment and that was enough for Sirius to jump forwards standing in front of animal blood drinker. All the other vampires have drunk human blood so they are stronger for the battle but not Carlisle and his wife they refused to drink human blood even if from a blood bag.

"There's more isn't there?" Sirius demanded. "He wouldn't have asked Edward to just tell you that. What has he planned?" Carlisle looked at the man warily. He knew this man, Sirius, had a temper when he was human, so he had been told and fierce protective streak and it was magnified now. "He says he's coming for Ardelle and we are to hand her over or we will all be slaughtered." Carlisle said hesitantly.
"That is not happening!" Sirius roared furious.
"Of course not Sirius!" Aro assured. "I will not hand over my niece just so she can be used, tortured and killed. But this is troubling that Edward, Bella and Alice have joined him. We need to think of a plan to counteract this and fast!"

Sirius paced up and down as he tried to think of a way he can protect his pup. When an idea suddenly came to him. "Ardelle I need your help with something!" Sirius said spinning round to face her so fast he nearly tripped over his robes. "What is it Siri?" Ardelle asked wanting to do anything she could to help her family. "We need to draw runes on every entrance to the castle including the windows. To disable the gifts on those three but to also lift the compulsions and Imperious Curse on some of them. Knowing Dumbledore he's likely to have used the curse and got Alice to compel the others." Sirius explained. Ardelle nodded and took her wand out of its holster as she and Sirius got to work placing the runes all over the castle.

It took a few hours especially as they added more runes to capture the three vampires and Dumbledore so they are stuck and transported down to the dungeons where they will be deprived of their gifts and magic in Dumbledore's case, there was also traps that would go off if anyone fired the Three Unforgivable Curses so they would have their magic stripped from them and frozen in place ready to be killed by one of them. Those runes and traps were pacifically designed for the remains of the Death Eaters who would no doubt sneak in during Dumbledore's attack hoping to catch them off guard. The final runes they had put in place was once they entered the castle they could not leave if they entered of their own free will and were not forced or coerced into attacking, which would make it easier to kill them if they couldn't escape.

There was one thing Sirius was sure on; anyone who attacked this castle with the intent to hurt his goddaughter in anyway shape or form would meet their untimely death. Which was why he placed extra runes all over the castle and tying them to a blood stone for her protection as she slept. He placed the blood stone under her bed so if she came to any danger she would be transported to her room, it automatically sealing as soon as she entered and would not allow anyone in or out until he placed a bloody finger tip to the door along with his wand. The beauty of this type of magic was it was very similar to the magic Lily and James had enacted before they died to protect her, as he had to be of sound mind and body to release the spell.

Meaning it would not open if someone Polyjuiced as him tried or if he was forced to open it by any means such as compulsion or Imperious Curse. When he had informed everyone of this type of magic they all breathed a sigh of relief as they knew if the worst came to worst she would be safe.

 When he had informed everyone of this type of magic they all breathed a sigh of relief as they knew if the worst came to worst she would be safe

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