Ch. 1 - Reality

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  Gol D. Roger, the King of the Pirates. The man who adventured the four seas. Who took the world by storm when he explored the Grand Line and the New World.

Was also sentenced to execution, for being a pirate. On the day of his death he spoke of a legendary treasure. One that will insure of the great pirate era. He said, "My treasure? If you want it you can have it....Try and find it. I left everything I have there." This had sparked a fire in everyone wishing to find the legendary treasure called, One Piece!

Especially, a young boy along side his Pirate crew who will have the world government in a uproar! The name of this force to be reckon with, Monkey D. Luffy. One day he's going to be, King of the Pirates!


  "YOU DAMN BRATS!" A yell came from the mountain. Then a loud crash, it was coming from a certain place in the mountains. A place where notorious mountain bandits lived. It had came from the leader of the mountain bandits, Curly Dadan.

"You damn brats ruined the food!" She was so angry you can see a vein pop out of her forehead. Dadan never wanted to get stuck taking care of kids. She was a mountain bandit, through and through. However, some unfortunate events came up. When a marine threatened to turn her in if she didn't do as she was told. This was also no ordinary marine, this marine was a Vice Admiral. A Vice Admiral who was a legendary Hero, his name is Garp!

Garp had came to Dadan one day asking for a "favor". He asked if she can take care of his grandson, Ace. Obviously Dadan refused. However, Garp didn't care and then proceeded to threaten her. He said, "oh really? Well then if you don't help me then I'll go tell the marines where you are. I'll say that a bunch of mountain bandits are in this village and they'll come and take you. So why don't you help me out or do you prefer the other choice. "

Dadan had no choice but to say yes or she would've been arrested. So for ten long years Dadan and the bandits, have raised Ace. It was only the mountain bandits and Ace. Until, Garp came back with another kid. The kids name was Luffy, he is the Grandson of Garp. Luffy need someone to look after and Garp knew just the person. So he dropped him off. Told Dadan to make sure he becomes a marine and to keep him safe or else. Then he left.

Now Dadan is stuck with three brats. Two, she was forced to take care of by Garp. One, that showed up out of nowhere because of Ace and Luffy. She's way over her head .

"You also made a huge mess!" Dadan is going to go bald soon if this keeps up. "So what! We're the ones that caught the food!" The devil child, it's what Dadan calls Ace. "And you don't even do anything anyways, you just lay down all day!"

"What did you say?!" She was looking at this defiant kid with so much intensity. It look like her eyes where on fire. "You heard me! You lazy mountain bandit!" They were in a heated glaring battle. "Ok ok....that's enough Ace" the one who dared to step in was Sabo.

Sabo is another child that was taken in by the mountain bandits. He had ran away from home. He used to be a noble but decided against that life. He chose to live his life the way he wanted. "Ace it was are fault but we got bigger problems now." Ace turned away from glaring at Dadan and put his attention on Sabo. "What do you mean?" "Well, now we have nothing to eat and luffy is getting annoying." They turned there attention to, said annoying child. "AAAAACCCCCE! SAAAAABBOOOO! I'm hungry!!!" Ace getting tired of Luffy's antics. "SHUT UP! You crybaby! We'll get food now"

Luffy stood up and was prepared to fight but he realize that they were going to go get food. "But Ace how? All the animals aren't out they all went to sleep" Sabo chimed in, "he's right Ace and it's getting late we wouldn't be able to track them in the dark. What do we do?" Ace was thinking when he remembered something. "Do you remember that farm we saw? The one down by the village." He turned towards Sabo. "Yeah that one with the huge barn." "Yup! That's where we're getting are dinner."

Sabo looked at him confused "wait but what are we gonna get there Ace, all I saw were crops" Ace smiled, "think about it Sabo, why would they be just growing crops? It's a waste. I bet there using those crops to feed there animals." Sabo looked unsure. "I don't know Ace. I'm pretty they use those crops for something else." "Come on Sabo,what would they need them for?" Sabo wasn't so sure but he decided to go with him anyways. "Ok fine let's go."

"Okay! I'm ready to go!" They turned around towards Luffy. "You can't come Luffy." Ace said "why not Ace?" Luffy was upset. He was tried that his older brothers were always trying to leave him behind. "Because Luffy, I said so." "What that's not fair! I want to come to!" Ace was going to yell at his little brother more, until Sabo jumped in and explain. "Because luffy, you're an omega and it's dangerous for omegas to be alone at night."

Luffy hated that excuse. Just because he was an omega that he couldn't do certain things. "So what?! I'm strong and I'm not alone I'm with you guys." He saw no reason for him not to go. "Alright that's enough we're leaving and you're not coming with us Luffy! Let's go Sabo." Luffy was going to chase after him but Ace stopped him. "If you come with us I'll make sure you starve. I'll eat all your food Luffy. You got that?" Luffy stopped in his tracks to chase after his brother's. When he heard what he said. Ace then asked again if Luffy would stop following them. Luffy them nod his head yes and stop only to see his brothers leave him behind.

All Luffy thought was "I hate being an Omega!"

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