The Fallen Angel
Like it fell from the sky,
when the heaven got too high, midst the Earth
It's beauty too much for the mortal eye
Unreal, unbelievable would be a creature so fine
It unfurls its wings to get away from the showbiz.
Discovered by the monsters who made
devils look like tamed lions.
Yearns to go back to the place of serenity, peace,
where happiness shone through the eye.
Selfless was the sun, the wind was untouched
by the black shadows, love was ecstacy.
Where the heart felt right beating on the left.
Trapped it remained at the back of the angel's mind,
while it was caged under the human eye,
looked upon like the moon was dumped into their arms,
the media would flash at it the way lightning would shine
and grieve in despondence for it's departure of the beloved,
It knows that one day she shall have her angel,
who would take it away from being a sight.
Far, far away and far too high.