Chapter 1: The beginning

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Recap of my life in 2015:

You could say that I'm a normal teen :  I am very moody, I hate school, my parents annoy me most of the times (I try my best not to be seen with them in public), I have a big brother that is almost as annoying as my parents that I see maybe once every two days because he's always in his room or out with his friends.

But what's different about me is that:
I don't hate my life, I actually enjoy being alone and not with my friends, I like to color (not draw, because I don't know how to draw), I have a teddy bear that my dad bought me when I was 7 and I still sleep with it at night (and I don't care so deal with it), I listen to music no one listens to (not heavy metal or rock because it just hurts my whole body and ew), I am "very mature for my age" as I've been told by many adults and old people over the years, and I love reading.

I have three close friends : my best friend from kindergarten: Chloe Wood. My other closest friends: Emma Johnson and Betty Hudgens. Those people are the only reason I have the energy to go to school.

First day of school back in 2015:


This is how my mom has been waking me up for the past 14 years. And I hate it. Especially since it's the first day of school.

"OKAY MOM I'M UP STOP SCREAMING PLEASE" I shouted and then went back into the comfort of my covers.

Suddenly someone opens the door. "Breakfast is ready honey, you don't want to be late on the first day of school!"

Now I am officially awake. I throw some clothes on, have breakfast and leave for school.

When I get to school I text my besties asking them where they are. But when I look up from my phone I see Chloe, Emma and Betty standing in front of me. I go in for a group hug but they back away.

"We have decided that we don't want to be your friends anymore because we don't need you" Chloe says going straight to the point.

My jaw dropped and not knowing what to say I just looked at them like an idiot. Finally my brain processed what I had just heard: "Is thi..this some kind of joke? okay guys you got me haha" I was hoping that this was some kind of sick joke and that people were filming my reaction.

"The only joke here is you! We've finally realized that the only thing that was stopping us from being the most popular girls in school was YOU!" -Emma

"We obviously have the looks and the capacity to be the most popular girls in school and you are just a dork who doesn't deserve our attention" -Betty

At this point I realized that this wasn't a joke. I felt a huge lump in my throat and I wanted to cry. Everyone was staring at us. All I could think of doing was running, running to the nearest toilet and crying like a baby. And that's what I did. While I was running I could hear everyone laughing in the distance.

I was running, running and running but I couldn't see a thing because of the tears filling up my eyes, until I hit a wall and fell down. Strangely the wall extended a hand to help me get up, and that's when I noticed that this wasn't a wall; it was a guy, the most beautiful guy I had ever layed my eyes on.

I think he was new because I had never seen him around.

"Hey are you okay? Omg are you crying? What's wrong? What happened?" - The unknown guy

I couldn't find the power to respond so I just stood up and continued running until I got to the toilet.

There, I had a good cry.

This school year was starting really badly:
I had lost my best friends, been humiliated in front of the whole school and met the cutest stranger and just totally ignored him while he was trying to help me.

I'm really starting to hate my life.

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