Chapter 2: Someone new

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Weeks flew by, and I was still alone. All I did was go to school have lunch alone hidden somewhere and then go back home.
At least I wasn't bullied.

Then one day, something really weird happened. I was in my french class, minding my own business, when a girl my age asks me for a tissue.

"I don't have a tissue" I said. But I had a tissue.

"Oh come on, I know you do! I saw you use one five minutes ago" The girl insisted.

She didn't look like a nice girl. Actually I never liked that girl: Chantel Roberts. She was the kind of girl who seemed nice but then you find out she's a b.... a bit mean.

"You know Kimberly I've always liked you.
I always felt like you were so misunderstood"
Chantel said to me.

"Umm... yeah thanks?" I responded.

"Je vais vous mettre en paire pour le prochain projet, sur la francophonie" = "I'm going to put you in pair for your next project, on the Francophonie" My french teacher said while interrupting us. She started pairing people together. When she got to me I noticed that the only other person left was... Chantel. And I was like, oh great.

So me and Chantel decided to meet up every day at the library after school until next monday. And so we did.

At first I wasn't sure that this was going to work. I thought I was going to do all the work like I always do, because I'm a "dork".
But to my surprise Chantel got everything we needed for the project. We started doing it and getting ideas. We were actually a great team.
On thursday after our session, she said that she has to come home tomorrow after school to take care of her little brother. So she suggested that I come back from school with her to do the project. I agreed.

On Friday, we went back to her house. But we didn't walk to her house. She had a private chauffeur! When we entered her house I was flabbergasted. It was HUGE and so lively and really well decorated. I almost lost myself in this maze. Her mom came in the kitchen and put a plate of food for everyone, she was really nice I could tell by the way she talked to her children and even to me. That night we finished the project at nine o'clock. And I went back home. I'm really starting to like Chantel, she wasn't what I expected.

Monday at school. We got an A+ on our project! During lunchtime Chantel invited me to sit with her and her friends. And that's what I did. She introduced me to a girl called Laura, she was really nice and fun. I also met: Georgina (she was a bit weird), Carolina (I really didn't like her she seemed so fake), Eric (he was so dreamy) and Matt (She had a crush on him). We all hit it off really well.
But my two favorites were by far Laura and Eric.

After I became part of their group we would always be together but my best friend was Chantel. She's the one who helped me with everything.

Weeks flew by, and I became more popular by the day. I had so many friends and I was finally happy.

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