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Today was cloudy, not a good sign. Although we received frequent rain within this part of the region, these types of clouds were ominous. They were deep grey, almost purple with rolling thunder not far in the distance.

 The air felt as if there was something big coming. I rolled my windows down just enough to listen to the sounds of the distant rumbling. The sound was just noticeable over the city's bustling atmosphere. 

We had just arrived from visiting the remains of the old clan Lacuna that resided far past the city gates, closer to the big sea. Lacuna's inhabitants had all been killed in the war ten years ago. Not a single member of the tribe was left, and the mysterious power they had wielded called Lucida, disappeared along with the tribe. As we drove to the palace, many people whispered amongst themselves.

"Is that them?"

"I heard they defeated 500 men without even moving a muscle."

"Is their Imperium that strong?"

"I heard from one of the palace workers that her majesty, the queen herself, trained them!"

The Queen did in fact train us--when we were kids. The day we first met her, she knew we would be significant assets to the City even as young and inexperienced children. We all came from various parts of the region, but all of us shared a common strength with imperium that was unlike any other imperium-wielding child of our age. 

The Queen had grown to trust us with her life over the course of our years at the palace. Just recently, I was appointed Head general of the military. A position I had been striving to obtain ever since I began my training with her. 

The cars had finally arrived at the palace gates with the guards opening the gates at the sight of the emblem on the vehicles. 

"Welcome back." The guards saluted.

I nodded before the cars continued their way forward. The palace main doors soon came into view as the cars parked along the front. We climbed out of the vehicles and made our way to the Queen. Servants standing to the sides of the hallways bowed as we entered the great throne room, where her majesty sat. 

Her kind face smiled as she watched each of us give a curt and friendly bow in her presence. Her long pale hair was braided over her shoulder with various gems decorated its neat knitting. Fitting to the times, she wore a long black flowy dress coat over a pale collared lace dress. The coat donned pairs of white buttons and a small pin was clasped on the left side of her chest. 

On her lap were two pairs of silk gloves that she regularly wore with rings. However, for today, she discarded them to the side. 

"I'm very glad to see all seven of you in perfect condition."

"Thank you, your majesty." All of us bowed once more. 

"How did it go? Any traces of Lucida?"

Eager to learn more as always, she leaned forward in her seat as I sighed. 

"No, it has completely disappeared. We couldn't sense any either."

She nods once, leaning back in her seat disappointed. "That is too bad. We could have gained a lot of power for this city of ours." She looked out the window towards the cloudy sky.

"I'm guessing you've sensed it as well?"

I sighed. "Yes, I don't know what could be coming, but I just hope it's not a threat. We are tired from the journey back and our imperium needs to be restored." 

"Of course, you are dismissed for now."

"Thank you."

And with that, the seven of us made our way to our living quarters. It was on the other end of the palace. The private residence hall housed all of our separate rooms with a common space for all of us. Ceilings loomed high above us with great arches and artwork lining every wall. Touches of the past remained throughout even though many renovations had been done throughout the years. 

"I don't get why she makes us go out and look for Lucida. I mean, we've already established that there's no more left in this world." Hoseok said plopping down onto the couch.

"I guess she just really wants it for the city. Or even herself. Who knows?" Namjoon replied walking into the kitchen to get a drink.

"Whatever it is, I just hope she doesn't send us out again to search for it." I walked over to the large window that overlooked the whole city. The daunting sky loomed overhead as the foreboding atmosphere continued to envelop. 

Later that day, the seven of us decided to watch a movie to get our minds off things. The sun was just setting over the horizon. You couldn't see much of it though because of the ever-so-present clouds. While the movie was playing, the hairs on my arm suddenly rose, and my mind was suddenly alert. I glanced at the window and felt a strange feeling bubbling up inside of me.

"You feel that too?" Taehyung motioned towards the window as we both stood in front of it to find the cause of our uneasiness. 

"Yeah so do I." Jin stood up and joined us at the window. The rest of the men looked toward the window, everybody now sensing something amiss. 

"Is it an elafi? We haven't seen one of those in years." Hoseok pointed out.

Elafi's are a type of rare creature that serve as guides to those in need and of a pure heart. An appearance of one happens so rarely that those who witness one are said to be blessed for life. The level of their rarity increased after the war as most disappeared due to immense bloodshed and misfortune. 

"No, it's stronger than that." I stared out the window looking intently beyond the city.

"What's that?" Jimin points towards the forested mountains. Everyone immediately turns their gaze to where his finger points. There, a small light emits from deep within the forest. The clouds above seem to be gathering above the area as well. The light starts to grow and grow until a few of the civilians closer to the gates begin looking for the source of the bright light.

"It couldn't be--"

Right before I was even able to finish my sentence, the light exploded into an even bigger and brighter light, causing us to shield our eyes from its brightness. Once the light died down, an Aurora in the sky appeared. It was vibrantly green and purple, waving in the air.

All of our jaws dropped. There was only one thing that could be, and if so, then that meant that there was someone out there, who was from the Lacuna tribe. The tribe, we had been searching for the remains of for ten long years.

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