Found you

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The sight of the aurora left us speechless. We stood silently still as we watched the aurora pulse in green and purple across the sky. 

Jin is the first to speak up as he slowly closes his gaping mouth. "Guys was that a-"

"A Sphaeram. We just saw a Sphaeram." I whisper.

"So that means-"

"I can't believe there's someone out there who has this power."

"Will you let me talk?" Jin asks annoyed as he turns to glare at me.


"We have to report this to the queen immediately." Namjoon turns to grab his jacket, breaking everyone else out of their trance except for one.

"I bet she's already seen this," Taehyung stares out at the aurora, with his hands calmly in his pockets. 

"Let's go see what she has planned for us then." I break my gaze away from the window as the seven of us hurriedly rush our way to her majesty's office. We barge through the doors and find her pacing the room. Her eyes were wide when she turned to us, but worry was far from her mind. As she continued to pass the room, I could have sworn I caught a glimpse of a smile creeping on her lips.

"Oh, thank goodness you are here. I take it you saw what happened?"

We nodded, waiting for her to continue. 

"Yes, I thought so. Well, I can't believe it. It's been ten years since the last time I saw one. Still so beautiful, yet dangerous." She turned to us.

"I need all of you to drive out and see what caused it. It most likely could have been a person from another city tricking us, but who knows. It could have also been a member of the Lacuna clan which I am most certain it is, considering the strange wave of imperium it released," She added in a hushed tone. 

"I'll need you to take weapons along with bottles for collecting the samples from the light if the person is no longer there. Now go quickly, we don't have much time before whoever it was might get away."

"Yes, ma'am." We bowed before rushing out to the vehicles waiting for us just beyond the palace doors. I take the wheel of the first car, not caring to allow a driver to go in first as Jin did the same with the other vehicle. At full speed, we drove as fast as we could to the mountains. With the newly developed cars, we would get there in about thirty minutes tops.

"Any Wanders?" Taehyung asked through the radio from beside me to Jin.

Namjoon's voice came back over the radio. "Not yet, you?"

"We're lucky tonight, the light must have scared them off."

"Copy that."

Wanders are a dangerous type of wolf. They lived up in the mountains and enjoyed preying on any living being they can get their hands on. Their tails are much bushier than a regular wolf, and their eyes are more slanted with long white lashes. They have long feather-like antlers on either side of their head which allow them to sense movement.

We drive up to the foot of the mountain and pause for any signs of Wanders. After hearing none, we continued driving up the mountain until the gravel road came to an end. Hoping out of our vehicles, we make sure our weapons are secured in our harnesses as the palace soldiers that came with us follow closely behind with their long military firearms. 

"We'll continue on foot up to the location. Be on guard." The group nodded, following my lead as I take our group towards the site. I nod to Taehyung and Jimin who both break away with their group of soldiers to circle 'round the site. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2022 ⏰

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