My Ex

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I woke up and Nick was still here. Nicky was still sleeping in between us. I smiled. Just as I got off the bed Nicky jumped up.

"Hi baby" I giggled picking him up. "I've missed you, we need a day for ourselves" I tickled him.

I looked at Nick and he was still sleeping. He's so peaceful. And cute!!!

"Go wake up your best friend" I smiled and put Nicky on the bed. He ran to Nick and started licking his face. He woke up. Yes!

"Hey little guy" he said in a raspy morning voice. PREGO! I'M TELLIN' YOU!!

"Morning" I smiled.

"Hey, good morning" he smiled rubbing his eyes. "Are the guys still here?" He asked.

"Gotta go check, wait right here" I said opening the door.

I walked downstairs and seen all of them passed out on the couch. Aww look how's UGLY they look. No I'm just kidding, they look cute. Except for one of them has their mouth open and is snoring hella loud! I wonder who that could be?

I walked back upstairs and Nick was on the floor playing with Nicky.

"I should just give him to you, he might love you more than he loves me" I laughed coming into the room.

"Are they still here?" He asked getting off the floor.

"Yes, they're knocked out on the couch" I pointed.

"How'd you sleep?" He asked.

"Pretty good, did I hit you or anything?" I asked.

"Yes, once" he chuckled.

"Sorry, I move a lot when I sleep" I giggled.

"Its okay, it was pretty cute, you were cuddling with this little guy" he pointed to Nicky. I smiled.

"You wanna help me wake the guys up" I jumped.

"Sure, let's go" we walked downstairs to where they were sleeping.

"Okay, grab that speaker over there and connect it to your phone, make sure to put the volume on the highest for each" I told.

He walked over to the speaker and connected his phone. He turned the volume all the way up and blasted a song. He blasted 'I like it' by Cardi B, J Balvin, and Bad Bunny.

They jumped up.

"Really" Edwin yelled over the music.

"Yes, maybe if you guys didn't sleep so late" I smiled.

"I have a headache" Zion said rubbing his eyes.

"I'll get Tylenol for all of you" I walked into the kitchen. 'Okay! Who puts Tylenol that high up in the cabinet' I thought.

"Need help" Nick said walking behind me.

"Please" I asked.

He came behind me and grabbed the Tylenol. I felt his bulge on my ass. He grabbed the bottle any gave it to me.

"Thank you" I smiled taking it and bringing it to the boys.

"Here" I said handing each of them 2 pills.

"Now I have to go" I pointed then walked upstairs.

I went into my room and took a shower. After I took a shower I brushed my teeth then my hair. After that I walked into my closet and picked out an outfit.

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