My Ex 2.0

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(There's no reason for the song. I usually put a song that goes along with the chapter but not this time. I'm just in the mood for riding in a big green tractor, even though I'm allergic to grass. If you know anybody who owns one, hit me up😙😉. And just look at all the tractors!!😲)

The next day.....

I woke up to Nicky licking my face.

"Hey buddy, whas wrong?" I asked picking him up. He started barking.

I looked to my side and Nick was still sleeping. I smiled at how cute he looks.

"Go wake him up" I whispered.

I set Nicky down on the bed and he ran to Nick and started licking his face and ear. He wakes up and smiles when he sees me.

"I think next time, imma just sleep on the couch. You hit me multiple times last night" he chuckled. He had a morning raspy voice, which sounded hella cute.

"Sorry, but how'd you sleep?" I asked.

"Other then you hitting me I slept pretty good" he smiled.

"Well good, I need to get up and talk to your grump Eggwin" I stood up.

"Well, good luck love" he started to play with Nicky.

I went into my bathroom and brushed my teeth, washed my face, and did my hair. I then walked out and went into my closet and picked out something to wear.

I put my glasses in my bag and walked out

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I put my glasses in my bag and walked out.

"Can we go now, I wanna get his angry ass done with" I sighed.

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