A/N: Welcome Back

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I haven't really written an author's note in years but here I go. 

I am SO hype about this. 

Lost and Found represents such a big part of my life, honestly. I went back and forth on that first book for four years and finally finishing it was a major accomplishment for me. 

It has taken me four months to write Book 2. Considering my track record, that should've been impossible. I am both very proud and very unsure of myself in this moment.

Also: Lexis, Ashleigh. Let's not pretend like this is all about me. Lost and Found is highkey a love letter to our friendship. All homo intended.

Now, Book 2 is shorter than Book 1. So I would suggest taking your time. I don't regret the length because honestly, I did myself and everyone else a favor by not stretching the emotional trauma on for 20k more words. I probably would've lost it tbh. 

But I digress. This my final planned installment of Lost and Found. 

While a part of me is sad, because it's been with me for so long, I am also very excited to move on to the countless other ideas I have and be able to work on them without L&F begging for my attention. I'm considering this the beginning of a new chapter for me, if that's not too dramatic to admit.

With that being said, I hope this is a good send-off.

Vote, comment, but most importantly, enjoy.

Also I am very sorry because I am about to ruin your whole fucking day ;D

Lost and Found - Book 2: ConsequencesWhere stories live. Discover now