Esme Brown is just an ordinary woman who lives in Tottenham, only that she's not, she's actually an assassin but only her family and her close friends know that. Esme loves watching football and her favourite club Tottenham Hotspur's, she especially...
Is he fucking joking, wow boys just can't keep their dicks in their pants just for two weeks.
"Hello, who are you?", the girl sassed to me.
Okay, jeez girl. Dial back on the attitude. Lord give me strength to deal with this.
"Um, hey, I'm looking for Dele" i said to her trying to be nice.
"I'm sorry but Dele doesn't allow desperate fan to come and harass him" she spat at me, crossing her arms.
"Excuse me" I said to her raising my voice, who does she think she is? Watch when I pull out her clip-ins from her hair.
"You heard me, so fuck now. Bye-Bye", she sneered at me, waving one of her hands sarcastically in a 'goodbye' manner.
I scoffed in response "You know what, I ain't gonna be disrespected by some childish bitch " I snapped, screwing my face at her and walked away.
Fuck Dele man, I'm gone. I don't have time for this shit, he probably doesn't remember me, yeah, he doesn't remember me.
"Hey Esme, what are you doing here "
Wow Esme, spoke too soon
I turned round and started to walk towards him.
"Hey Dele" I said to him.
Umm, you need to fix your bitch, I think she's broken.
I really wanted to say that to him, but I had more important issues.
#yourgonnabeadad #Babydady
"I need to tell you something" I said, hesitating.
OK Esme, I shouldn't be intimated by a footballer, correction : a peng footballer, just say that you're carrying his baby.
Before I carried on I perred over Deles shoulder to see that annoying bitch listening to our conversation.
I looked back at Dele, not even bothered to look at her face, and shouted " You can go now"
I didn't even need to dress who I was speaking to, the bitch knew. I took a quick glance at her to see her eyes wide open, cheeks flushed a light pink hue due to being embarrassed because of being caught.
I heard her mutter a small curse before hearing the door close.
I cleared my throat and continued to speak.
'' I just want to tell you that ummm''
'' Tell me what'' He asked me
''I'mpregnantwithyourbaby '' I said quietly looking at my feet
''WHAT'' Dele shouted in my face. Oh no, he heard. Shits about to go down
Dele's POV :
''I don't believe you,'' I said shocked
''What, you think I'm lying'' She said putting her hands on her hips
''No, I just think that maybe it's someone else's baby, like, it has been two weeks and-''
''Oh my God did you jut say that? Why the fuck would I come to your place if I didn't think the baby's yours?"
Oh Dele, why did you have to say that to her.
''Hey, I'm just saying that I don't really trust you and you might just say that so you can have money and clout " I said to her in a stern voice, then quickly realising what I said was a HUGE mistake.
'' Bitch what?" she gasped at me, her mouth wide open.
"Uhhhhhhhhhhh" I was sooo shock, I didn't know what to do, so I just stood there frozen.
"I can't believe I had sex with you, how could I be so stupid " she said to herself, her eyes starting to tear up as she looked on the floor.
Oh god, here comes the water work " Look if you get a DNA test, that's when I will believe you '' I said to her, she lifted up her head and looked at me in disbelief.
'' But that's when the baby is born'' She said to me with a tear rolling down her cheek,
" I know but that's the only way I will actually know that the baby is mine. Also, If the baby is mine what's going to happen to my career? I can't just stop everything for this-this thing. I have a reputation to uphold and I know this baby will only stop me from achieving me goals-"
" You know what, FUCK YOU! '' she interrupted me and slapping me in the face, really hard
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''OW'' I shouted at her as she ran away crying
Wow for a small girl she can slap HARD.
Esme's POV :
I ran downstairs crying and ran into my car. I can't believe that cunt actually said that to me.
How could he be so cruel
''Looks like it's just you and me''. I whispered to my belly and drove off, still with tears in my eyes, to the hospital.