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"and if you have nightmares, i'll dance on the bed."


MORRIGAN AND MYRRDÍN WERE sat facing each other in the living room of their newly purchased mansion. The gothic decorations had been selected by the elder, who was oblivious to the irony it brought, but was fond of the dark and rustic decorations. It was the morning after she had announced her arrival to the doppelgänger and her entourage.

"I want to meet the doppelgänger," Myrrdin said, tossing his phone onto the sofa beside him — he had been scrolling through his twitter feed but after finding nothing interesting had grown bored. His older sister hummed slightly, continuing to scroll on her phone with an uninterested expression on her face. A pout formed on his face as he whined at her, "You can't have all the fun, I want to torment the humans as well."

Morrigan sighed, also discarding her phone to beside her, "Okay." The younger of the two paused mid-sentence, not expecting her to give in that easily — she had always been possessive of her torments. She raised an eyebrow at him expectantly, "She called me — we're meeting her at the Salvatore Boarding House." He raised his eyebrows in surprise. "Well, are you coming or not?"

The pair got to their feet and eventually made it out of the house — delayed by multiple disagreements regarding insignificant things and several falls caused by the other. As they pushed the front door of the Salvatore Boarding House open they heard mostly silence from the living room, the twins exchanged an apprehensive glance and made a silent entrance into the room.

Myrrdín cleared his throat, causing the head in the room to snap towards him. He recognised it — the doppelgänger. With a predatory gait, he stalked towards Elena, his eyes narrowed as he took in all the details of her face. In turn, the girl stumbled backwards until she was against the wall and she cowered in fear.

The doppelgänger looked to Morrigan with a terrified look in her eyes, "Who is he?" She asked. Myrrdín flashed his true eyes at her, the irises turning a red the same colour of blood.

The older immortal snorted a laugh out of her mouth, "That's Myrrdín," she saw his neck twitch to avoid turning around and joining the conversation, "He's my younger twin brother. He's harmless." At that, he stopped his intimidation tactics and gave his sister an offended look from across the room. "Get back over here, idiot."

Myrrdín complied, giving a smile to Elena which conveyed his desire to eat her — the human was shaking with fear. He disappeared in the blink of an eye, just as they registered he had gone, he reappeared at his sister's side. Elena flinched slightly, her eyes widening considerably as she cautiously stepped forwards from the wall.