Chapter Eight

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Ron woke to the sound of knocking on the front door and a petite female body in his arms, he noticed that they were both unclothed. He also noticed the girl had Brown bushy hair, unlike his wife's Dark straight hair. He heard another three knocks on the front door, that's when he got his wits about him and woke up Hermione by keep shrugging her shoulders.

"What do you want" She grumbled

"Someone's at the door!" Ron whisper shouted at her

"Ron what are you..." Hermione said but then she noticed she was naked "Oh Merlin, we didn't" she said putting a hand over her mouth, her eyes bulging out of her head

Ron blushed a deep scarlet "You need to answer the door" He told her

"Oh shit its Bill and Fleur with the Kids" she gasped jumping up throwing on a pair of jeans and a top and jumper, pushing her hair into a ponytail "Come on get up, get up" she told him

"What do I wear?" he asked looking around

"you left a bag here yesterday, remember?"

"oh, right yeah Accio Bag!" he said as his bag flew into his hand as he pulled clothes out.

"I'll go get the door, just get ready" she said closing the door.

"Hey Fleur, Bill, sorry I had bit of a lie in from last night he he" Hermione said when she opened the front door laughing awkwardly

"zats all right Hermine, Zhe kids just vent down for z nap so zhey shouldn't be too tired" Fleur said handing over the toddlers

"We'll be around eight to pick them up za- oh I'm mean thank you" Bill said trying to avoid his wife's glare as he mimicked her accent "Oh and Good luck" he finally said as Hermione closed the door.

"They gone?" Ron asked as he pulled on a top

"Yeah" Hermione said not looking at him and walked in the living room Victorie on her hip and Teddy holding her hand, she let go off his hand and brought out her wand swished it and sent the contents from last night into thin air then she swished it again and appeared a play pen for Teddy and Victorie to sit in and play she put wards so they couldn't escape and put on a children's television show "Baby Looneytunes" and left them to their playing after placing a undetectable charm on the room so she would know if anything was happening in there.

She walked into the Kitchen, where Ron was Placing two cups of Tea "uhh, I thought you wanted o-"

"We need to talk about, last night" Hermione said, trying despairingly not looking him in the eye

"Yyeah I thought so..." he said crimson creeping up his neck

"What we did, it was wrong, because we literally broke a law"

"I know 'Mione, but I do love you"

"YOUR MARRIED, TO PANSY FUCKING PARKINSON!" Hermione screamed then she remembered.

She realised her mistake, then ran out to go check on them.

As she suspected they were babbling to each other about nothing.

Hermione walked back into the kitchen and ran into Ron's arms "I'm Sorry" she whispered as she buried her face in his top and he kissed the top of her head. "But we can't tell anyone about this, we just have to pretend this never happened okay?" She asked looking up at him

"Yeah, Okay" he said as both their eyes became glassier.

In the silence Someone walked in through the back door, that someone was Draco Malfoy.

When Ron and Hermione noticed they jumped apart, like they were both hit with Expelliarmous.

"What's going on Here?" Draco said suspiciously

"N-nothing, I'm Going to go check on the Kids" Hermione said walking out of the room

"I Guess, now your back I Should leave then" Ron said crimson spreading up his neck, as he left the room.

In the Living room Hermione picked up Victorie as Teddy had fallen asleep, she made sure he was ok, put a blanket on him and went back into the Kitchen.

" What's going on with you and Weaselbee?" Draco said with his arms crossed leaning on the counter, he looked very intimidating.

"I told you nothing" she said Looking anywhere but at him. he noticed that but chose to let it go for the child's benefit, for now.

"I'm going to bed" he said pushing off the counter and walking out.

Hermione took in a deep breath and looked at the baby in her arms as she pulled on her curls giggling to herself. She bounced the baby on her hip, as she bounced her problems in her head.

the evening before she was an engaged woman by law, who had just lost her virginity to he Ex Boyfriend who was married to the girl who bullied her for six years of her life, on top of that, if anyone would to find out then Her and Ron would both have their wands snapped and live the rest of their life's as Muggles.

At Quarter to eight, Bill came knocking on the front door,

"Hey, Hermione just came to pick up the kids, how'd it go?" He asked

"Oh it went great, they were little angels" She replied handing over Victorie, and Teddy over to Bill.

Hermione walked up the stairs into her, their bedroom. when she stepped in she walked to the bed and layed herself splat in the middle spread out like a starfish on her Stomach. The door to the bathroom opened but she chose to ignore it.

"Hermione" Draco said

Wat" she mumbled still not moving

"Tell me the truth, what really happened?" he asked sternly

At this Hermione sat up crossing her legs on the bed

"How many times do I have to tell you, Nothing" she Said sighing deeply

"you'll have to tell me enough times until you tell me the truth" He said staring coldly at her.

"What makes you think you can simply question me, you're the one who slept with Astoria Greengrass in our bed!"

"Because, I actually have feelings for you" he said sighing.

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