Chapter seven

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Hermione woke up blinded by the stray lines of sunlight in her eyes by the open curtains, she also had a massive headache and felt like she was going to...throw up!, Hermione sprinted off the bed and into the connected bathroom kicking something in her path and went head first into the toilet, in the middle of her urges she felt two bodies sit next to her, one pulled her birds nest of a hair, that had fallen out when she was asleep, into a ponytail out of her face, and the other rubbing soothing circles. she recognised the two people as her best friends Ron and Harry.

"I hate you two, Don't ever let me drink again" she said glaring at them before throwing up again

"oh 'Mione you love us really" Ron chuckled

"yeah your lucky we're the bestest friends in the whole entire world and Ron carried you home before you went "Dancing" and we're "Buzzkills", hmm" Harry said casually whilst they we're both laughing which they stopped when they both gained a elbow each in the ribs.

"Come on lets get you cleaned up" Ron said standing up to run her a bubble bath

"your right, I do love you guys" she said whipping her face with toilet paper.

"we're going to get food" Ron said when he finished filling the pool, bath.

"Of Course, clean up the mess, and don't annoy Draco too much" she said standing up

"ohhh, first name basis" the two boys chorused whilst ducking out the way of a shampoo bottle aiming at their heads

"Shut up!" she shouted slamming the door

"Someone's touchy" Harry joked

"Come on lets go raid their kitchen" Ron said walking out the bedroom


When the two best friends walked into the kitchen, they were met with Malfoy serving bacon on four plates that were filled with different sort of breakfast foods and cups of tea's

"Where's Granger?" Malfoy asked

"oh she's having a bath after puking her guts out" Harry said like it was the most normal thing in the world

"oh does that mean she won't want breakfast?"

"if you don't want her to puke all over you" Ron replied

"But don't worry Ron will eat her share"

"wat 'm hugry" he said through a mouthful of pancakes

"Manners, please Weasley" Malfoy said with a disgusted face

"sorry we can't all have house elf's to feed us, to make sure we use the right spoon to eat porridge" he said swallowing another mouthful

"So Malfoy, when did you learn to cook?" Harry said trying to defuse an argument, which he knew Hermione wouldn't appreciate in her hungover state

"well when you're Godfathers your potions teacher and your expected to do really well, cooking's not really that different"

"Thank God for that, Our Hermione can't even cook a piece of toast without turning it into ash" Ron laughed taking a gulp

"It. Was. Once, and it was your fault, you were too busy trying to kiss me" Hermione argued, where she was stood in the door way, in only her towel with her hair frizzy and slightly dripping, hands on her hips.

"Granger is there a certain reason why your dressed only in a towel in front of us?" Draco said waving a hand lazily at her.

"Oh yeah" she said realising what she was wearing "I came down here to retrieve something from the tumble dryer"

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