Lock down

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It's the next morning. Carrie, Tina, and Drew arrived at Haddonfield High in Drew's car. The girls exited out of the car and started chatting. "Did you guys see anyone outside last night." Carrie asked. Drew and Tina looked at Carrie. "I saw this...this guy outside my window. He was wearing this stupid mask." Drew asked, "What did the mask look like?" Carrie described it as white mask but couldn't describe the face. Tina rolled her eye's "Probably Skinner being a dick. He's into all of that Michael Myers stuff." Carrie was confused, "Michael who?" "It's this serial killer guy that he's obsessed with." Tina told her. Carrie shrugged her shoulders followed Tina and Drew inside the school greeted with Halloween decorations and students around the hall. Carrie found Skully by his locker. She greeted him with a hey. Skully closed his locker and say hey back, "How was the night with the girls?" Carrie smiled, "Fun. a bit weird. But, fun." Skully laughed, "Define weird." The sound of the bell interrupted their conversation. "Chemistry can't be late. talk to you about it at lunch." Carrie gave her boyfriend a kiss on the cheek and went inside the classroom at the end of the hall. 

Lunch period rolled by, Carrie found Skully at a long table with a group of people. Tina, Drew, Skinner and Mickey. Carrie noticed Skinner, "Hey stalker." Skinner was confused, "What!?" "So were you just stalking Tina or trying to see us naked." Carrie grinned. Tina interrupted, "Did you or did you not happened to stop by Carrie's house last night in that stupid mask of yours." Skinner was even more confused, "I seriously don't know what you're talking about." Tina exhaled, "Were you outside of her house dressed up like that Michael Myers guy last night?!" Skinner yelled, "No I wasn't." "Skinner tell the truth, if that was you, that's not cool." Skully said. "Why does everyone here think it's me!" Skinner yelled "Because we all know you're in love with this guy." Drew laughed. "Yeah speaking of that, who the hell is he?" Carrie asked. Everyone got quiet. Skinner raised an eyebrow, looking at Carrie. Skully talked in her ear in a low voice, "He killed a few people several years ago." Carrie got quiet. "A few? he murdered 16 people in a day!" Carrie looked at Skinner, "What?" "Oh please don't get him started." Drew said. "Yeah he killed a few kids our age, and nurses and doctors. But he was only after for one person. His sister." Skinner smiled. "He has a sister?" Carrie asked, "Why?" "Long story, tell you all of it after school. I'm gonna get food. Later losers." Skinner left the building. 

A few minutes later the bell rang indicating that lunch was over. Skully walked Carrie to her next class. "You sure you want to know? About...." Carrie laughed, "Yeah I'm sure, it's almost Halloween. Why not a scary story." Skully took her hand, "Very well, after school behind the bleachers."  Skully walked away and the second bell rang for class to start. 

Skinner was running late to class, but he didn't care as much. He continued roaming the halls while sipping on a red slushy listening to music.  He noticed a red puddle causing him to press stop on his walkman and removed his headphones. He slowly began to follow the trail, the trail lead him to a closet presenting a janitor dead on the floor. His throat was cut. Skinner gasped and dropped his slushy. He looked down the hallway and see's a tall silhouette figure with a somewhat muscular physique. The figure walked towards the light revealing a white mask. The face had no emotion but looks angry in a way. Skinner noticed the man was holding a butcher knife covered in blood. The man was still walking towards him, Skinner took off running not looking back. He was running towards the end of the corner of the hallway and ran into Drew. "What the hell Skinner!" she yelled. Skinner grabbed both of her arms, "Listen we got to go now!" the intercom came on, "Excuse me students and staff we are proceeding to an emergency lock down." Drew moved Skinner out the way and see's the man down the hall only several feet away. "Oh my god." Drew whispered. Skinner pulled her arm and yelled, "Run!" Skinner pulled Drew in front of him and they both ran away from horrific scene. They ran upstairs into another dark hallway to a door that lead to a seemingly empty classroom. The door was unlocked, Skinner looked behind him and see that no one was there. Drew whispered come on, and they both went into a closet. There were silent for a few minutes until they heard muffled foot steps coming up the stairs, they held their breath in to be extra silent, the steps grew louder, and closer. They hear the doorknob from the classroom door jiggle, Drew gasped and Skinner covered her mouth. The door began to jiggle vigorously and began to grow violent. The glass window on the door burst causing Skinner to jump. It was the man opening the door from behind. Skinner began to sweat profusely as he hears the footsteps getting close to their hiding place. The man looked around the dark classroom seeing nobody, then he noticed a closet. Skinner can see the man looking at the door and see's him walking towards it. The light was blocked by the shadow of the man, He can also hear him breath through the mask. The opened the door and Skinner lunged right at the man pushing him to the ground causing him to fall. He grabbed Drew's hand and pulled her out and ran out the classroom. They ran as fast as they can not looking back. The made it to the exit which was surrounded by cops. They both put their hands above their head and shouted, "DON'T SHOOT!" Drew cried and pointed, "He's in there, he's in the building. The cop tried to calm Drew down and pulled out his gun and directed a few other cops to come with him. 

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