Happy Birthday

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...October 19th, 1993...

Haddonfield, Illinois 

The eyes of a teenage girl is blinded by two hands of a boy she's madly in love with. She is wondering where he's taking her, wondering about obvious surprise she's about to be presented. "Skully where are you taking me?" she laughed as she feels the blind fold. Skully peeks at her face, "You're not peeking are you?" he asked abruptly. Carrie laughed and dropped her arms from blind fold. Skully continued to guide her to a gate to a backyard, he unlatched the gate to open it. Carrie now knew where she was, she knew the familiar clicking sound of the gate. "Skully....what are you doing." she asked anxiously. "Come on forward, just a few more steps." he smiled. "Are you serious?" she laughed. "Just trust me babe." he smiled again. Carrie put her arms out in front of her to get a sense of her surroundings, "Skully you're up to something." 

Skully walked backwards entering the backyard filled with a big group of people with a birthday cake and a banner. Carrie has passed the gate entering the backyard, "Stay there." Skully told her. He walked backwards joining the crowd, "Okay, you can take off the blind fold." 

Carrie takes off the blind fold and the huge crowd of people yelled, "SURPRISE!" Carrie jumped and screamed in excitement. She had no words, she see's her boyfriend Skully laughing and smiling. She walked towards to hug him followed by her parents. "Who's idea was this?" Carrie asked anxiously. Her father Elliot looked at Skully, "All his." Carrie see's him all flustered and red, she gave him a quick punch on the shoulder, "Ow easy with the hands!" he pulled her close to him and gave her a kiss and told her happy birthday. Carrie thanked him for everything. For her, it was a day to remember. 

10:31 p.m.

The last 2 relatives from Carrie's birthday party have left and her mother Elise closed the front door. She finds Carrie and Skully sitting on the couch together. She cleared her throat, "Skully it's getting late." He looked at his watch and got up off the couch along with Carrie holding hands. They made their way to the front door, "Oh wait, I have one more present for you." He pulled a rectangular object from the inside of his leather jacket wrapped in Christmas wrapping paper and gave it to Carrie. He gave her one last kiss and left and drove off into the night as Carrie watched him leave. 

Two more teenage girls Drew and Tina appeared from behind and called out to Carrie, "Hey love bird come on up. She turned back and closed the door and ran off with her friends with her mom telling them not to stay up too late. 

The girls gathered up in a circle in their pajama's, "So what did he give you?" Tina asked. Carrie looked at the present and began to unwrap it. It was a cassette tape, the cover had a heart with writing in it saying, "All the songs we shared together"  Drew and Tina both awww'ed. "I'll play it later" Carrie said. "Lets get some sleep I'm beat." Drew and Tina got into their sleeping bags as Carrie went towards her window to close the curtain but was distracted by a man standing outside her window. The man was wearing white mask and all black from what she can see in the dark. 

She closed the curtain immediately and went to bed. Carrie was feeling scared and anxious. Who was the man outside? Did he even see her? Maybe that man was drunk or something coming from a stupid party. Carrie didn't think much of it anymore and fell fast asleep.

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