Chapter 7- The one having a first date

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      (Y/N) POV
" Well you can't have them." Sabo says crossing his arms. " Because I have a date with her tomorrow." He stayed quite proud of himself. Just the thought of me even going out on a date with Sabo alone made me blush, but hearing him say that made me the happiest I have been in a while. At first Ace and Koala were quite, until Ace let out a sign before responding with.

      " It's about time my little brother got a date. You know ever since you two met the other day, he wouldn't stop smiling like a idiot. It was kinda creepy." Ace laughed. This how ever made Sabo turn red in embarrassment.

" Ace! What the hell!" Sabo muttered out completely embarrassed. I let out a laugh, but I didn't notice Koala with an evil smirk plastered to her face.

" What a coincidence. (Y/N) had the exact same love stuck smile on her face ever since." Koala stood next to Ace with evil smirks on both of their faces. Now it was my turn to be completely embarrassed, but before I could say anything, Sabo started letting out small chuckles. The face he made while laughing made my heart flutter. I guess he noticed me looking at him and smiled at me. In return I smiled back.

" Sorry to end this little staring contest you two have going on but me and (Y/N) have to head back. After all we do have class tomorrow." She sighed walking towards the door. I followed after her so she wouldn't leave me. Sabo follows us to the door.

" I'm guessing I'll see you tomorrow?" Sabo spoke with a smile.

" Of course."

It was the next day and I was on my way to class. All I could think about this morning was the date that I had scheduled with Sabo after my class. When I walked into my art class I immediately saw Ussop and made my way towards him. He was looking over some of his sketches from the year.

" Hey Ussop. What's up?" I asked. He smirked up at me.

" Nothing much, but I did appreciate it when you ditched me, Nami, and Robin yesterday to hang out with Sabo." My entire face went red with embarrassment.

" Ussop, I didn't mean to ditch you." I said looking at my feet. He only laughed.

" I was just messing with you (Y/N), you are so naive that it worries me sometimes." I only sat myself down next to him pouting as the art teacher came in.

Halfway through class I got a text message from an unknown number. Opening my phone I see a message from Sabo. Koala must of given him my number. I smile at the message.

      " What are you smiling about?" I look at Ussop as he looks over at my phone. " Should of known it would be Sabo. What are you two talking about?" He asks going back to finishing a sketch he's been working on. After replying to Sabo I respond to Ussop.

      " He was asking me where I wanted to go for our date tonight." I say proudly. Ussop only chuckles.

      " Man I remember times when someone would even his name and you would go into a blushing mess." I chuckle dryly remembering the times when I would do that. " So where are you two going?" He asks

      " We decided on just going to a cafe since Sabo said that something came up." I said quite sad.

      " You know if he ever cheats on you me Nami and Robin will kick his ass. Most likely Nami though." Ussop laughs at his own response, but instead of laughing with him I started thinking about what if he likes another girl and I'm just here for him to toy with. But Sabo isn't like that right?

      My classes had ended and I was heading towards the cafe Sabo and I had agreed on meeting at. What Ussop had said earlier was still in my head. It scared me that my first crush and first date might actually like someone else. I pushed open the door to the cafe. A little bell jingled signaling that I had entered. Looking around I see Sabo towards a window, but he looked sad. My heart aches seeing him like that. I walk over towards where he was, but he didn't even notice me.

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