Chapter 8- The one away to much

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      Sabo's POV

      Ever since she had mentioned about caring about me for years, I've been wanting to bring it up. Once I did her entire face went beet red. Most likely out of embarrassment.

      " You still remember that!" She squeals bringing her hands to her cheeks.

      " How could I forget. Come on, you can explain to me on our way to your dorm room." I explain walking out of the cemetery. ( Y/N) quickly ran up beside me. " Well?" I pester.

      " Fine I'll tell you!" Check and mate. " It all began in middle school." She looks down at her hands before continuing. " I used to get bullied a lot as a kid and it felt like no one cared about how I felt, that is until you walked by one day and saved me from getting bullied. It was the first time someone had ever stood up for me. Ever since that day I have been forever grateful." She ended it with a smile. I don't even remember doing this. Man I must sound like a jerk. She must of noticed something off with me. " Hey if you don't remember that's fine, I won't hold it against you." She reassured.

      " Thanks." Was all I said, but deep down I still felt horrible.

      We had just arrived in front of (Y/N)'s dorm. I still felt terrible about the fact that I don't remember a very important part about her past.

      " Oh, before you go. Can I ask you a question?" Looking up I see (Y/N) looking at me with a red face. Her glasses slowly slipping down her nose. How could anyone be so cute.

       " What is it?" I play off trying to sound cool. Even though it didn't. She didn't seem to notice.

      " Would- Would you like to be my model for  my art project?" She asks, her voice getting lower towards the end, but I still heard her.

      " Of course, anything for you." I said ruffling up her hair.

" Thank you so much! When would you like to meet up?" She asks excited.

" Well whenever you feel like it." I say placing my hands in my pockets.

      " Does Wednesday work. I wouldn't want to bother you two days in a row." She rubs her neck, most likely out of embarrassment.

      "  You do not bothering me one bit. It's nice hanging out with you." I smile at her. She smiled back at me.

      " Well I guess I'll see you Wednesday than." She opens her door leaning on it.

      " It's a date than." (Y/N)'s face went bright red, but I just smirk at her quite proud of what I had done. She only nods before closing the door behind her saying goodbye. Man my heart is beating like crazy. I can't believe I said " It's a date". How cliche can I get. I sigh walking to my dorm.

      Walking up to my dorm room, I hear more than one person behind the door. The voices all sounded familiar. I open the door to be met with not just Luffy, but Ace and Koala wearing glasses.

      " Should I ask why?" I deadpan. They all had pouts on their face. Especially Luffy.

      " You keep hanging out with (Y/N), so we thought that you had a thing for glasses." Ace spoke up.

      " Yea, we miss you Sabo!" Luffy cries out. He can be such a baby sometimes.

      " I just wanted to wear the glasses." Koala admitted pushing up the glasses. A drop of sweat slides down my face at their responses.

      " Speaking of which, where did you guys get the glasses?" I ask looking at them curious.

      " We stole them from (Y/N)'s drawer." Luffy pipes up.

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