Paradox (Chapter 2)

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Chapter Two - All Systems a Go

The Year 2018

Council Headquarters

While everyone was asleep over at the Fleming house, Cooper took the opportunity to check in with Etta in the other reality. Every time he takes the jump between realities, he’s taken aback at how perilous his reality is. Torn and worn from Thornberry’s destruction, his heart pangs for the world it used to be. In such a brief period of time, Thornberry managed to reduce his home to chaos. But no matter how perilous his reality is, there’s always a reason to go back; his only reason.

He finds Etta working in the warehouse that served as their headquarters. She must have gone straight into defense mode after Oliver’s attack on herself from the past. Even though he was well aware of his wife’s strength and knew she could take on anything thrown her way, he still felt it was his job to protect her.

Etta didn’t even turn to greet him. It’s as if she could always sense his presence in the room. “It’s started hasn’t it?”

“Yeah, darlin’. I’m afraid so. Do we know anything on Thornberry’s whereabouts?”

This time, she did turn to address him. “We think he jumped over immediately after being ambushed. As far as we are able to tell, everything is still the same here. If he had gone a different path, I supposed I wouldn’t be here, pouring over war tactics and schematics.” If Thornberry had changed his path back in 2011, there would be differences in their reality here. The fact that nothing had changed, at least by their estimation, is proof the timeline had not been altered.

“No, I suppose not. And the girl?” By the time he arrived at the Thornberry residence, Cooper realized his daughter, Jaime, has also gone missing. For both her and Etta’s sake, he hoped she wasn’t in any danger. Even in this time, they still don’t know what happened to her. It’s as if she somehow got lost in the shuffle within realities.

“No, no word yet.” Her eyes softened. “I miss her you know? It’s been years since I last saw her...since that night at Thornberry’s. And here we are, seven years later and we still have no intelligence as to her whereabouts. So my best guess? Everything goes as planned.”

“Well, I suppose that’s a good thing. We’ve plotted and planned for so long, it’s nice to know where we stand.” Any disruption in the timeline could have been detrimental to their plan of attack. Things would certainly be different and the Council would have had to scramble to come up with a new plan – not that they would know if the timeline of events had been altered, of course.

“Hmm,” she murmured. “You informed my past self about us.” Etta quietly rose up from her chair and slipped her arms around Cooper. “Did I take it well?” She teased. To her, it seemed like it was just yesterday, Cooper telling her about their marriage. She remembered how scared and excited she was to hear he was more to her than just a man sent to rescue her.

Even though he couldn’t see her, with her face nuzzled against his chest, he could feel her smile. “I think she’s in denial. But I’m not concerned. I know how it plays out,” he said this with a grin of his own.

“You could have waited to tell me you know. You didn’t have to spring it on me after a night like that.”

He chuckled. “Sorry, I couldn’t help myself. Besides, I knew no matter what surprises she,” he kisses the top of her head, “I mean, you are dealt with, I’m always positive about us. No timeline or reality can change that.”

Etta untangles herself from his embrace and looks at her husband. “You’re so sure of that, huh?” Her face showed no emotion, pretending to be annoyed.

“Yup. There’s nothing I’ve ever been more sure of,” he said, calling her bluff.

He was rewarded with a smile and the feel of her warm hand as it slipped behind his neck, pulling him closer to her. Their lips touched gently at first, then fervently, as if they could somehow make time stand still, for at any moment, their world could soon collapse.

“Good. ‘Cuz I’d have to whip your hide if you ever thought otherwise,” Etta finally said, breaking her hold on Cooper. “Now, back to the business end of things, I think it’s time to activate the troops.”

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