Paradox (Chapter 4)

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Chapter Four

Past, Present, and Future

Several hours into the mechanics of traveling, I thought I’d never get rid of April. Going over the technical side of traveling isn’t what I had in mind when she told me she was sent to guide me. Thankfully, she doesn’t over welcome her stay here and finally goes home, but not before she promises to come back tomorrow morning at seven sharp. It was nice of my aunt to extend an invitation to crash here last night, due to all the drama with the kidnapping and all, but two nights in a row is stretching it. 

Soon after she leaves, I take a book from my aunts’s bookshelf and head outside. Not that I can concentrate enough to read, with all the other pressing matters I have on my mind. Instead, I try to replay everything April and I went over today. I realize I don’t remember a thing she said about quarks and portals as I sit here bundled up in front of the outdoor fireplace. It’s not unusual for the temperature to drop this time of year, so I’m grateful for the outdoor heat. 

“Long day?” 

I was so lost in my thoughts, I didn’t hear Cooper come out to the back deck. 

“Coop! You scared the crap out of me!” I’m only mad for a second, after seeing his sheepish grin. I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of his smiles. 

“Sorry, you looked so peaceful sitting there with that book in your hands, I just couldn’t resist. Anything good?” He takes a peek at the title. 

“I have no idea.” My hand goes straight for the decorative outdoor pillow that lay at my feet and I chuck straight at him. “So not cool, scaring me like that.” 

He ducks and the pillow narrowly misses him. “Hey, I said I was sorry.” 

“So,” I start, getting down to business. “It looks like you have a lot of explaining to do.” There are things he hinted at during breakfast and I’m bound and determined to figure out exactly what those things are. I know my dad isn’t going to tell me, so now it’s time to execute Plan B – get the scoop from Cooper. 

He takes a seat on the edge of the lounge chair. My bare feet come close to touching his thigh, which immediately shoots off waves of nerves in my insides. The seating arrangement seems so intimate, despite how far apart we actually are. I pull my legs up, offering him some more room. My insides are still squishy, like a big pile of mush, and I’m at a loss about how to handle my emotions. 

“I guess I do, darlin’.” He scoots himself further into the chair and makes himself comfortable. “But first, let me just start off by saying, whatever happens from this point on, I want you to know I’ll never leave your side.”

Now, my nervous stomach subsides, only to be replaced with a big bad case of the butterflies upon hearing that. After everything I’ve been through, it feels pretty damn good to hear him say it. “You know, somehow I have a feeling we’re in for something big, aren’t we?” 

He grins and lightly punches me on the leg. “Once again, nothing gets past you, Etta.” 

“So, come on, give me the run down. You’re from the future, the past, and obviously you can time travel. Oh, and let’s not forget you’re my husband. What else am I missing?” 

“Always taking things in stride. That’s what I love about you.” He says, holding back a laugh, but I can tell from his expression, he’s doing his best to get to the point. “Okay, darlin’, you want the whole unabridged version? Well, here it is.” 

I don’t move a muscle. This is it, I tell myself. He’s finally going to tell me something important, something useful to prepare me for the other reality. This has to be better than April’s boring ol’ lecture. I do my best to keep quiet, allowing Cooper the opportunity to talk. The last thing I want to do is get him all side-tracked on an entirely different topic. 

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