Paradox (Chapter 3)

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Chapter Three - The Modern Prometheus

After breakfast, everyone goes their separate ways, which only leaves me and Cooper to clear the table. I’m grateful for the chore, as it gives me an opportunity to bombard him with my usual litany of questions. I’m still having trouble looking him straight in the eye, after what he told me last night about being married, but I still want to take advantage of the time we have together, since I have roughly twenty minutes to freshen-up before my first session with April.

“So you’re from the future, huh?” I ask. Over pancakes and bacon, my dad was still apprehensive about the whole “from the future” discussion, so Cooper gave up trying to convince him after awhile. But even if he is from the future, it still doesn’t explain why the real Cooper in this reality is older; then he’d be from the past. This truly is going to be a dizzying conversation if he ever gets down to explaining things to me.

“Look, I’ll tell you what, I’ll finish clearing the table so you can finish getting ready before you meet up with April. I’ll come back when you’re done and answer any questions you have,” he offers.

“Promise? You aren’t exactly known for understanding the concept of full disclose,” I argue. When I first met him, he was all half-truths, but when you were brought up thinking you’re an orphan and a hunky guy comes along to whisk you away to a whole new world – literally – you’re willing to take a few things on faith. Not so much now, I suppose. I want answers and I don’t care if he is my boyfriend (he has to be my boyfriend if he’s going to be my husband, right?), I’m not going to give him the chance to blow me off anymore.

“I promise.” He gives, what I assume, is the Boy Scout honor salute. “Oh, by the way, the pajama’s you have on are sexy as hell.”

I glance down at my p.j. bottoms. They have cartoony yellow stars and clouds with smiley faces. I can feel my face turn red from total embarrassment. While I made sure my p.j.’s didn’t have holes in them, it didn’t occur to me to check for the childish factor. How is he ever going to consider me an adult, if I look like a little kid? It’s not like I picked these out myself. They just happened to be in my drawers. Maybe this is the catalyst that changes the timeline and we don’t get married after all. 

He sees my horrified expression. “Ah, I was just kidding around. You look totally cute,” he assures me. “Go on, I’ll hold the fort down here while you get dressed.” 

I ignore the last few seconds and pretend he didn’t say anything at all. “Okay, well, I’ll see you when I’m finished up with April. Hey, how long do you think she’s is going to hold me up anyway?” Don’t get me wrong, I’m grateful for the instruction, but I have a feeling it’s not going to be much fun spending the day with her. If it was up to me, I’d rather keep our relationship strictly academic, as in, within the confines of Dominion Hall Academy – at least there, the bell signals the end of class. 

“Don’t know, darlin’, but try to be cooperative with her. She’s here to help you.”

“I can’t promise anything, but I’ll do my best.” How can I be cooperative with April when she obviously isn’t making an effort. But for Cooper’s sake, I’ll try. I’ve always had problem with taking the moral high ground and being the better person. I learned the hard way; you have to fight back when confronted and don’t take crap from anyone, or they’ll walk all over you. It’s a tough way to grow up, but it’s all I know. 

I head out of the kitchen, leaving Cooper to finish clearing the table. I take a quick glance at the clock on the microwave on my way out. Great. I only have about fifteen minutes before I have to meet April and I haven’t even gotten out of my stupid happy cloud pajamas. 

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