Part Six

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It's been a week since her visit to BTS' dorm. Yoongi and the others have been begging her to come to their place but since few days ago she keeps avoiding the question and saying "She's busy". What the boys' don't know is that her condition is slowly getting worse. Since three days ago, Dr. Ji asks her to go to the hospital more often. 

At first it was just for check up, but the doctor also asks her to volunteering at the children hospital next door. He says that helping those children can help Yoona with her struggle, playing with children can help her at least not to think about her disease too of much. Thank God Yoona loves children. She has this huge grin on her face when the doctor told her that, even her mom is smiling wide. Yoona will be volunteering every day from noon to 4 in the afternoon.

Yoongi on the other side is frustrated. He doesn't know what's really happening and why Yoona didn't reply to any of his calls or texts. It's 8 at night on Friday, Yoongi just finished his composing songs with Namjoon since 7 in the morning and he pulls his phone out of his pockets, scrolling through a specific number. "Yeoboseyo?" a soft voice calls out from the other side.

"Yoona-ah!" he breathe in relief. He hears her slow breathing, "Annyeong, Yoongi.."

He furrows his eye brows. Something is not right. "How are you?"

Yoona giggles at him. Hearing her melodic voice calms his heart. "I'm okay, Yoongi. Why wouldn't I be?" he can hear something behind those words but ignores it. He lets out a breath, "Why haven't you replied any of my calls or text?" he sounds worried. Well, why wouldn't he? His best friend is missing for a week without saying anything.

Yoona smile, thinking of words to say to Yoongi so he won't be worried, "Mianhaeyo. I've been busy at the hospital.."

"Hospital? Gwaenchanhayo? Are you hurt? Why did-"

"Min Yoongi oppa," she pauses, listening to his heavy breathing. "Ne?" he sounds confused and nervous, please don't let it be a bad news, his heart says. Yoona chuckles "I'm okay, relax. It's just a volunteering thing at the children hospital. I help the nurses to take care of them. You know, since I don't go to school anymore so I'd be best to do things I love." Smile spreads across his face. He knows how much Yoona loves children.

Yoongi lets out a sigh of relief, "Oh, Thank Lord! I thought you suddenly hate me or something. You know how much you mean to me."

Those words sends butterfly around her stomach. She's been feeling these strange feelings she never felt before towards anyone. Yoona just realizes that she's been feeling this way since she went to the boy's dorm. Those feelings felt something like safe, caring, and.. Love.

What is exactly this feeling? Am I in love with him? Yoona shakes her head, "It's impossible.." she mutters to herself. "What's impossible?" she hears Yoongi says from the end of the line. Her eyes go wide, "Oh, it's nothing.. Sorry,"

"Are you sure you're okay? You zoned out for few seconds there.." worried and confused fill his voice. Yoona smiles sweetly even though she knows he can't see her, "Yes, I'm sure, Yoongi."

After few seconds of silence he breaks it. "I wanna see you.." Yoongi whispers into the phone. She feels her cheeks warming, "I do too, Yoongi.."

Suddenly someone sits beside Yoongi and shouts "Ask her to come tomorrow, hyung!". She recognizes the voice, it's Taehyung's. That deep voice is specific. Yoona chuckles, "Ask me to come where, Yoongi?" Yoongi sends Taehyung a dagger before turning his attention back to Yoona on the phone.

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