Blackpink V-Live

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A/N: Before you start reading, I will be referring an iPhone as a camera for this chapter so it's easier to write and maybe read.


"One, two, three." Jisoo counted off, as all five members of Blackpink introduced themselves in unison. "Hi!" Lisa nearly shouted in excitement, "Purple heart!" You yawned, tired from all the time you've put into practicing. Chae rubs your back sympathetically, knowing how many hours you've put into practicing. You start to doze off, not really paying attention to what's going on around you.

"(Y/n), here's a question for you." You snap out of your daydream, nodding for the go ahead for Jennie to keep speaking. "Who is your favorite k-group member that isn't in Blackpink?" Thinking for just a second, you quickly respond without hesitation. "Red Velvet's Irene." Everyone's eyes were plastered on to your exhausted frame. "Nearly five years ago, I was lost trying to find the YG Entertainment building, and she sort of just led me there, asking who I was, what I wanted to do, and why I moved from Japan at such a young age. We had a few other encounters but that one meant the most to me I think."

"That was really sweet of her to do that." You nodded in agreement. "It was, Irene-unnie, if you ever watch this, we need to make plans." Slightly showing your aegyo, you reach out showing finger hearts. You read off a question that skims by, "Rosé, favorite restaurant to visit?" She hums, unconsciously grasping your hand in hers, and softly rubbing her thumb across the back of your hand. "I can't choose a place. They're all so good."

Next was Jennie to answer the question, "My favorite number? It's probably five, since there's five of us in Blackpink." Lisa took your other hand in hers, doing the same thing that Chae was doing. Blink started to get suspicious about the sudden skinship. "Some Blinks are asking why Lisa and Rose are being so loving to (Y/n)."

"We are taking care of our child," Lisa jokingly blurted out. "Isn't she beautiful?" Chaeyoung asked while resting her hand underneath your chin. "I think not." Jisoo laughed your comment as Jennie started to stroke your hair. "How is your hair this soft? I've never thought your hair would be this soft."

"You've touched my hair before, Jendeuk." The mentioned girl sighed, "I know but it wasn't as soft as it is now." She pulled some of your hair and made a mustache with it. The girls around you laughed, while you were reading comments. "What do I use to wash my hair? I'll share my secret for my next solo v-live." You winked at the camera. Jisoo reached over, covering your mouth with her hand, "My grandchild cannot spill the secret ever." You licked her palm, making her pull her hand away and wipe it on Lisa.

After a while of messing around, you felt the exhaustion bear on you again. Jisoo decided to run off with Jennie and the camera somewhere else. "I don't know about you guys, but I'm tired." Chaeyoung pulled you into a hug, "Get some rest before they come back." She pulled away from it, "Don't keep overworking yourself, okay? I hate to see you like this." You nodded. "Thank you for caring, and sorry for being not so fun tonight."

"Don't stress it. Go lay down, rest, and I'll come get you when they come back." You followed her orders, and quickly fell asleep.

Jisoo decided to take Jennie, the camera, and their managers on a 7-Eleven run. "What should we get for the younger members?" The eldest asked. Some comments flew by saying 'ramen' or 'pho' since that's what they usually ate. "They usually eat what we'd eat, so let's just buy stuff that we would eat and they'll eat it," Jennie suggested. "Smart thinking."

"I try." Jisoo playfully hit Jennie's arm. "Let's just hurry up and bring food back for the girls before they think we're up to something else." The other brunette agreed, picking out two full course meals in less than five minutes of searching. The two quickly paid and got in the van to get back to the dorms.

"(Y/n)-ah, (Y/n), wake up." You stirred slightly at the quiet, soft tone of Lisa's voice. "Wake up, there's food." Lisa laid on top of you, trying to wake you up. "You're so heavy."

"I'm not that heavy, you're just fragile. Now get up and come eat." You groaned, muttering, "Didn't we just eat right before the broadcast?" Lisa hummed as the response. "It's nice to always have a full stomach though. So, please get up, just for your unnie." You groaned, attempting to push the older girl off of you. "I was planning to get up if you weren't laying on me."

"Oops. Now come on, we've got the good ramen this time." You wrap up in a blanket and rush out of your room. "What all do we have?" Jisoo started listing off everything that was being prepared. You swear that you got goosebumps in that moment, it all sounded so good. 

You were handed the camera as Jennie, Jisoo, and Chaeng started getting to work. "Hi Blink! Welcome to Lisa and (Y/n)'s live." You waved slightly and started to read some comments that were flying. "Why are you guys so pretty? Lisa's pretty, I'm something other than that." You laughed, thinking about the memes that have been made of you in the past. "(Y/n), someone asked for you to sing." Quickly, you think of a song to sing briefly, and you sing just a little bit of it. "Wow, maannn, so good." Lisa compliments as she wraps her arms around you, swaying lightly.

"The food is ready." Jennie calls out. You slip out of Lisa's grip and immediately find yourself in the kitchen. "It smells so good." 

"Go get whatever you want, you deserve most of it anyways. You've worked so hard in the past two weeks." Jennie grabbed the camera from you as you disappear out of the frame to go get some food. "Blink, this broadcast has been long, hasn't it? Is it boring?" Most of the responses were no. "Really? I'm surprised that it hasn't been boring. Especially since the 7-Eleven trip we made together."

"Thank you for the food!" You yell in the background. It smelt great, it tastes great, and there's so much of it. Chaeyoung and Jisoo sat in front of you, they too are eating well. "Today has been a good day." You state randomly. "It depends on how you look at it." Jisoo muttered, causing you and Chaeyoung to understand. You three were used to more deep conversations like these whenever you eat. 

Once you were done eating, you stood up, and started walking over towards the sink to clean your plate, placing in the dishwasher whenever you finished. "I'm gonna go get some more rest, goodnight."

"Goodnight (Y/n)-ah." You waved at the two at the table and headed towards your room, plopping in your bed. After five minutes of just laying there, you found yourself in the darkness of sleep once again. 

"It's pretty late right now, Blink. Please eat well, get enough rest, and stay healthy. Bye!" Chae said, ending the broadcast. "Thank you for the food and goodnight." The rest of the members disappeared to their rooms and each of them struggled to sleep, worried about one another. With that thought, sleep was rare that night, other than to one person who found it; you.


Such a weird ending, oops lol.

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