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Dan was wandering around town with a dagger strapped on his waist and a basket on his back.

"Wow. This dream looks realistic." He commented as he looked at his surroundings.


Dan and everyone's attention was taken by the bell on the tallest building in town. They all halted, listening patiently to the bell.

People grew worried as the bell continues to ring.


Everyone around him started panicking and running inside the house, leaving him confused.

He managed to get a hold of one villager and ask him why the people are panicking.

"That was the alarm system!" The villager answered. "Come! Let's go in my house. It's not safe here." He exclaimed and rushed Dan inside his house.

Dan helped the villager barricade his doors and windows.

"So, what does the alarm mean?" Dan asked.
The villager sat him down and offered him hot jasmine tea to calm their nerves.

"1 ring is for fire, 2 rings is for natural disasters, 3 rings is for ogre attack, 4 rings is for epidemic, and 5 rings is just the worst..." Dan could see the villager shaking from head to toe, fear was clearly evident form his face.

Dan grew worried too. His heart starts to race as he think of what the 5 rings mean.

Was it a giant attack? an undead army coming up? A war?

"W-what does it mean?" Dan asked.

The villager looked directly into Dan's eyes. "Stephen's in town." He said with fear laced in his voice.

Dan's gears suddenly stopped working.

"Wait. What? Stephen?" Dan stuttered.

"Yes. Stephen. He was a good guy before. I was actually good friends with him, he always lend me money when I needed it, we go to the drink at the bar every Friday night, he even watch my kids whenever I went out of town." The villager listed off. "I couldn't forget how he used to be people's favorite, his smile never fails to brighten someone's day."

"Oh, must be a different Stephen." Dan whispered to himself, letting out a sigh of relief.

"But one day, there were an ogre attack and his wife and daughter died. He was distraught and lost his mind. He devoted himself in necromancy in hopes to raise his dead wife and child."

"That's sad." Dan commented, thinking that the story seemed familiar to him
The villager nodded solemnly at him.

"I know you're there NPCs!" They heard a shout coming from the outside, causing them to be quiet and listen.

Dan recognized the voice. It was Stephen. Their Stephen. He moved up to the door, taking away the barricade but the villager stopped him.

"Don't do it. I know his voice is mesmerizing but, It's not worth it." He whispered to Dan.

Dan almost laughed at the villager.
Dan reassured the villager, "Don't worry, I know this guy. There might be just some misunderstanding." And before the villager could stop him, he was already outside.

Stephen was trying to kick down someone's door when he heard someone.

"Hey!" It seems like it was trying to get his attention.

Stephen turned seeing the green haired character coming closer.

"This NPC looks like Daniel's character. I'm gonna have fun killing him." He said, raising the metal laddle.
Stephen hit the character with his laddle.


"Wait! Stop! Stephen, it's me, Dan." Daniel yelled.

"I'm hitting harder then." Stephen joked.


They were on the ground and Dan was trying to block his face from Stephen's beating.


Stephen was suddenly kicked hard resulting him to fall to the side, getting off Dan in the process.

Stephen looked at the culprit. It was a woman. She was wearing and armor that barely covers her body. There were three men standing behind her, acting like her manservants or fanboys.

"Are you alright citizen?" She asked Dan and motioned to one one the man to help him get up.

"Sure ask the one that was lowly damaged. It's not like I have less than a half of life left." Stephen sarcastically said.

"Ah.. Yeah." Dan answered.

The woman nodded, turning her attention to Stephen.

"I am Lucilla Margarita Montoya Serfina Amelia Van Rozerwic, one of the guardians of this town. Our duty is to protect and ensure the peace in this town!" She said.

"Rather than protecting the town, it would be best to protect yourself from impure looks of those men." Stephen said gesturing to the men behind her and those who peeked through their windows with a blush on their faces.

Lucilla Margarita Montoya Serfina Amelia Van Rozerwic blushed in embarrassment.

One of her manservant came in front and defended themselves, "Ugh, excuse me! We do not have impure thoughts of Miss Lucilla Margarita Montoya Serfina Amelia Van Rozerwic! We were just admiring her armor that is made of high quality metals! It have high defense and makes your attack more powerful. It was also created by the most skillful craftsman  in the country!"
The others nodded and yeah-ed at his explanation.

"Skillful craftsman? More like crafty pervert." Stephen scoffed.

Before the situation get worse, Dan decided to butt in.

"Ah hey guys." Daniel said. "Me and my friend here was just messing around. Nothing to get concerned about." and he tried pulling Stephen away but he stayed in his spot.

"But... I don't think friends hit each other like that." Lucilla Margarita Montoya Serfina Amelia Van Rozerwic said.
"Have you ever heard of tough love? S&M?" Stephen retorted.

"Uuhhh... No?"

"Let's just go Stephen." Dan whispered to him.

"That aside, was there really a crazy person here, trying to kill the townsfolk?" The woman asked.

"N-no." Daniel lied, glancing at Stephen.

"Wow. Can you not see me Daniel? I'm right beside you." Stephen retorted.

"Hahaha. My friend is joking! What a funny guy." He unconvincingly tried to convince the group.

"Will you shut up, just this once?" Daniel whispered to Stephen.

"You can't tell me what to do."

"Oh! If that's the case, I'm sorry for kicking you earlier." Lucilla Margarita Montoya Serfina Amelia Van Rozerwic interjected and handed Stephen a bottle of red liquid. "Here, a healing potion!"

Stephen eyed the potion suspiciously and Daniel just took it from Lucilla Margarita Montoya Serfina Amelia Van Rozerwic's hand and shoved it in Stephen's mouth.

Full health restored!

A/N: Hey guys, thanks for reading this. Feel free to comment~!

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