Chapter 11 FreeState Alabamas Finest

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Chapter 11  Freestate Alabama's Finest

           The doors of the police station were the same, fading letters on the door had been there since the beginning. On the other side of the glass there was a waist high counter with a few desk placed behind it. In the corner of the room were two tiny holding cells barely big enough to hold the bed and bucket housed inside. I'd had to spend a few nights in there when Dewayne couldn't stand to see me.
         The cracked linoleum floor was original. The ceiling fans always on helping add to the layers of dust. On the far wall there was a sign that said FreeState Police Station with pictures of officers new and old lined all around it. The same thirty-four pictures as before.
        I made my way to the counter and rang the bell there once. I was almost bouncing around waiting on someone to come out. When I was about to ring the bell again the door to the back office closed. You couldn't see it from the front, but I'd been here enough I knew where it was and the sound it made closing.
       When the officer came around the corner my body went into a state of shock. Officer Denton was making his way toward me buttoning the last few buttons at the top of his shirt. When he looked up and noticed me standing at the counter the devil himself sent me a smile.
       Officer Jack Denton or Dent as Dewayne and his buddies called him was the second man to make my life a living hell while I was here. Dent and Dewayne had been friends since the diaper age and grew to be thick as thieves as they got older. Best friends in high school they ruled the town and school with Dents connections and Dewayne's physical stature.
       Rumors started way back then the boys liked to share their woman in ways that weren't right, and I knew it to be true firsthand. On many occasions Dewayne would 'lend' me out to Dent for the weekend to do with as he pleased. If Dewayne was tired of seeing my face and Dent couldn't take me to his home. He would keep me in the small cell till Dewayne called to bring me back.
        Denton and Dewayne are both sick individuals, but Denton tended to lean heavily toward sex as a punishment.
       He first time Dewayne gave me to Denton Bree had just turned ten months old. Dewayne asked me to take her to his moms with a few changes of clothes then meet him at Dents house. He made it seem like we were going on a short weekend getaway. Dewayne left town for the weekend while Denton had a shackled naked to a cross in his basement.
        When I was finally able to leave a few days later I had bruises and bite marks covering every inch of my body. My lady bits had been abused so much I'd torn in several spots. With each step I took the cuts reopened and started bleed anew. My vocal cord were damaged from the screaming and repeatedly gagging on his dick I couldn't talk for two weeks. Dewayne took his turn as soon as I made it to his car.
        I had to swollen down the bike that threatened to come up from that memory, and shook it clear. I had to be firing on all cylinders to deal with the spawn of Satan himself.
        "Well I'll be damn. If it ain't Ms. Marie Long. You lost sweet cheeks, I thought you left town." Denton trying to be charming was just creepy to watch.
        "Denton please, I know we don't care for each other, and you have no reason to help me, but you're the only other person he would tell. No one has seen or heard from Dewayne and the kids since Friday night. He told his parents he was bringing the kids back Saturday to Tennessee, but he told me he wasn't bringing them till Sunday. I've called every hospital between here and there and they didn't have anyone matching their description. I drove by his house and everything is gone. His mom and dad haven't seen him and his phone is going straight to voicemail. Somethings wrong."
         "First of all it's Officer Denton. Second I saw Dewayne and the kids at the gas station filling up before he drove them back to you yesterday morning. If you're saying they never made it that means they've only been missing about ten hours so far. You can't file a missing person's report till they've been missing a full twenty four. So why don't you come back after fifteen hours, and maybe I can help you out then."
         I was starting to get upset. Denton was playing with me and all I could do was take it. But damnit I didn't want to this time! I balled my fists up and slammed them on the counter in front of Denton. "Damnit Denton what do you want me to do? I can't leave somethings wrong and I need the police."
        Denton leaned over the counter and checking me out from head to toe. "You always gave the best head. Just how I liked it. Gagging and crying begging to stop. What you say? Go to the back office and you get on your knees. I might be able to wave a few rules to help an old friend then."
        When Denton winked at me I wanted to spew my stomach like the girl from the exorcist. Nothing like how I felt when Jamie gave me the same look. I closed my eyes and imagined him here now beside me give me his strength, helping me get through this. I opened my eyes after calming down and looked Denton straight in the eye.
        "I hope your dick falls off and you die of AIDS. I'll come back when you're gone, and someone can help me find my children!" I marched out with my head held high, but Denton's rowing laughter the whole way.


Any other small-towners here know exactly what I'm talking about? Everybody smiles, calls you by name, then ask how your mommas doing in the same damn breath. Where the Walmart is the biggest store around for a hundred miles.
Don't you love it too?(Note the heavy dose of sarcasm.)
Using the force to send you thought of dropping a message in the box.

© 2018 Copyright by Callie Sumner. All rights reserved.

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