Chapter 13 The One Place I Wish I Could Leave Behind (Maries POV)

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Chapter 13 The One Place I Wish I Could Leave Behind (Marie's POV)

14 hours missing.

FreeState Alabama had a grand population of maybe five thousand people, and it only took you twenty minutes in any direction to reach the town's boarder from the jail. The town was small, and I'd checked it over nonstop.
Every place Dewayne had ever taken me when we first started going out. To the houses that I knew his football or work buddies lived in. Even the little hole in the wall places he didn't think I knew he visited where he could get his rocks off I went with absolutely no luck in finding him.
The last time people remember seeing Dewayne was anywhere between Wednesday night and early Sunday morning, but only Denton saw them Sunday morning. So far the general consensus was he was at the local bar Saturday night before taking Britt May home for the night.
If I could go my whole life without hearing that name or her piece of shit friend Amber I'd die a happy woman. Britt May and Dewayne were high school sweethearts. When Dewayne got a scholarship to play football at a Jr college in Georgia he dumped her and went off to follow his dream.
Britt didn't handle that very well and started sleeping with whoever she could to get back at him. When Dewayne came back two months later with a career ending injury Britt was pregnant and he didn't want her anymore. So when I came into the picture a few years later she was the first to let me know I wasn't welcomed.
The night her and her best friend Amber jumped me outside of my job I thought Dewayne would have stopped them. Instead that's the night I find out Amber is Dewayne's niece and Denton's fiancé. Fan-fucking-tastic!!
When I made it back to Dewayne's parents' house a few hours later Amber herself was there. I grabbed my purse out of the car and made my way back to the door. Now that Mrs. Bob was awake I was hoping she could help me. I knocked on the door and Amber opened it quickly. She just opened the screen door and lent closer toward the gap in the doors. "What you doing here skank? Thought we finally got rid of you."
"You did, I just really need to speak with Mrs. Bob please its important."
"I don't think so." Amber went to shut the door, but I'd really had it with these rude ass people today. I grabbed the screen door and yanked it out of her hand and burst through the door. Mrs. Bob was sitting in her normal chair and actually gave me a genuine smile like she was happy to see me.
I walked up to the side of her chair and put my hands on my hips. I blew out a breath and felt my shoulders drop all the strength I thought I had draining out in an instant.
"Mrs. Barb. Dewayne was supposed to bring the kids back to me this weekend and he didn't. I've been calling with no answer. I went by his house and it's empty with a for sale sign in the yard. No one around town has seen him past Saturday when he went home from the bar. I'm scared and worried and I just wanna know where my kids are. If anyone knows where he is it's gotta he you. He tells you everything! Where is he with my kids?"
"He should be at his house right now Marie. He told us he was taking the kids back to you on Saturday. I don't know what game you're playin..."
"I'M NOT PLAYING ANY FUCKING GAME! Dewayne is gone his house is empty and no one had seen him!" I turned my phone where she could see the image on the screen. Dewayne's house, empty, sign and all. Barb takes the phone and checks it's true. "Amber what you know about this?"
"Not much Meamaw, just Jack called a little bit ago and told me Marie was back in town saying Dewayne had up and left and kidnapped the kids. But it ain't true! We'd know if he'd planned to do anything like that and he ain't told us shit. Jack just thinks Marie's off her medicine again, and needs to go back home."
"Deal I'll leave right now just tell me where my kids are?" I felt like I was going crazy. It was a simple question really not that difficult to answer. Where someone is, right? But every time someone gave me their answer I just wanted to scream. Amber just looked at me trying not to laugh at my obvious frustration. "With their daddy of course." She started cackling, always reminding me of the wicked witch of the west.
I didn't stick around to hear the noise. I ran to my car and got behind the wheel. I raced out of there as quick as I could, but no real destination in mind. I made it back up to the police station and decided to park there. There was a small hotel on one side and the dollar general on the other.
I went into the motel and paid for a room. I didn't know what else to do. I couldn't go back to the police station for a few more hours and I had no where I could stay in this town anymore, and I was sick of being behind the wheel of my car.
As I walk in the door I overhear the old clerk on the phone telling someone the story when I visited the jail this morning. I don't pay the gossip any mind as I go up and ask for a room for the night. I reach in my purse and pull out a hundred and handing it over while quickly grabbing the key.
I head back out of the office to the line of doors outside. Lucky number two and the key unlocked on the first try. I went inside and crashed out across the bed exhaustion seeping in after such a long night.
I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and read the messages Jamie had been leaving me through the day. I wasn't going to lie to him anymore, so instead I chose not to answer him instead. Trust me, I know how much a bitch move that is, but I have no idea what to say to him.
This was the year I was supposed to get my life straightened out. Became independent and not worried on anyone else. So that means I should be able to handle this on my own. Right?
Just seeing his name lit up on my phone with that green call icon had my finger itching to press it. Just to hear his voice and let him take me back to a few days ago when it was just us and everything was ok in my world. When I was happier than I've ever been before. To have him here with me if only by phone to give me strength to get thru this unknown.
No I couldn't bring Jamie into this mess I'd just have to handle it on my own.


Bless your little heart, you just let it all out into that comment box. You will feel so much better after that.
Anybody have some family members you just don't want to admit you share the same blood?

© 2018 Copyright by Callie Sumner. All rights reserved.

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