Chapter 26 Giving Marie The Best Birthday (Jamies POV)

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Chapter 26 Giving Marie the Best Birthday (Jamie's POV)

Honestly I was a little hurt Marie didn't even tell me it was her birthday. Thank God for Shays daily calls. I couldn't let her first birthday we are together be anything but special.
I called Shay for the first time when Marie locked herself in Alex room and wouldn't come out. I'd been trying to get through to Marie for two days before I finally broke down and called her best friend. I might not have gotten her out of that bedroom, but Shay gave me exactly what I needed to not give up.
When she called me Wednesday to ask if Marie had tried to hide out again I have no clue why she would feel the need to. I was running myself raged trying to think of things I could do which Marie each day were she didn't feel the need to hide anymore.
Marie must have told Shay I have planned to do something else with her that day. When she said Marie's birthday was Friday and explained their plans he felt like he was kicked in the chest. The kids had been looking forward to their birthday since the summer. They made sure he couldn't forget the date.
All the times I asked Marie she just said it already passed instead of giving me an actual date. Well, I know it know, and I'm gonna make her remember this day. I gave Marie a list of things I had to do this morning in my note I left for her to find, but I didn't tell her everything.
I spent an hour and a half riding around my property trying to find somewhere I hadn't taken her yet. It had to be beautiful and quiet. The problem was I had shown her just about everything. Some places more than once.
On my third loop I found what I'd been looking for. I made sure Marie wouldn't have seen me when I was leaving and finally going into town. Thankfully I wouldn't have to make too many stops to get all the supplies for tonight.
My sister Jenna is making her famous parmesan chicken and sides for me so I just have to stop by and pick it up on my way home. The main reason I came to town was to pick up my most prized possession. It's been in my safety deposit box at the bank in town since I opened my account at 16. My grandmother gave it to me when I was 13. With detailed instructions and rules. All the test had been passed and I could finally mark one more thing off my bucket list.
Jenna took pity on me and let me shower and change at her place. While she was finishing up the food. I rushed as fast as I could getting dressed and all but threw the food containers in my truck on the way out. My mom use to say if I was excited about something watch out I'd likely run you over and leave you in my wake.
Marie came close to making me forget why when I walked in and saw her. No matter what she was doing or what she was wearing she turns me on like the pre-teen boy I am on the inside.
When Marie was finally ready for a second time she came into the kitchen where I was waiting. I just can't believe this woman is actual real and she's all mine. I ran the pads of my fingers down her cheek and stared deep into her chocolate eyes. "I got somewhere special I wanna show you tonight baby, but you can't see where we are going. Can I blindfold you love?"
Her pulse quickened and her pupils dilated. "It won't be for long baby, and you know I would never hurt you, right?" Marie took my fingers that were still on her cheek. She brought my finger to the edge of her lips. She ran her tongue along her lips setting them and touching my finger in the process. Marie gave me a seductive look under her lashes. "I'm not scared Jamie. Maybe we can use the blindfold later too?"
I'm instantly rock hard with the images running through my mind. "Ooh baby, anything for you my love. Now save it for later and turn around. I can't wait anymore."
Marie turned around slowly to prolong my torture. I stepped up behind her and slid the blindfold over her head. Satisfied with the placement and knowing she wouldn't be able to see around it, I bent down and gave her one final kiss on my favorite spot.
"Can you see anything baby" I asked just to be sure.
Marie pushed her ass into me and started to roll her hips. "No, but I sure do feel something hard." Her whispered words and giggle made me smile.
I put both of my hand on her hips stopping the little minx from moving. "Oh baby, you shouldn't have done that!" I picked her up and tossed her over my shoulder. As I started walking toward the front door headed for my truck Marie made her thoughts on my caveman antics very clear. "Jamie are you crazy? Put me down now! Let me walk I promise I know how!"
Her round ass was jiggling with each step I took. I gave it a light smack. "You move that body of yours very well baby, but it's slowing me down right now. I'll let your fine ass down as soon as we get to the truck." I ignored the cute hugging and puffing coming from her the rest of the way.
I opened the door to my truck and gently placed her in the passenger seat, but kept my hands on her waist keeping her still.
"You can let me got now Jamie."
I kissed the pout from her lips and slid her legs sideways into the truck and shut the door. I drove Marie around the property once hoping she would not realize the lake when I pulled up.
The lake was surrounded on 3 sides by oaks trees that had to have been here for a few hundred years. On the west side of the lake you could see the green landscape for miles. The wild flowers around the banks edge made their spot even more majestic with the different splashes of color in the quiet space.
I was so nervous and excited I was practically bouncing with energy after I parked the truck. When I got around to Marie's door I took a moment to make sure Marie hadn't peaked. Her cheeks would be flaming red if she would have seen the new vibrator sitting between us on the seat. Her mouth was turned into a slight frown, but no rosy cheeks so she hadn't snuck a peek.
I gave her a chaste kiss on the lips. "No peaking. I'll be right back to get you. Two minutes stay here ok?" Marie leaned forward and returned my kiss. "I'll be waiting handsome."
I went to the back of my truck and let the tailgate down. I took some blankets and the basket I'd stashed earlier before coming back to the house. 15 feet in front of my truck is the biggest oak tree around the lake.
When I first found this place I told my Ma about it and all its beauty, and at the center of it all was the huge oak tree. Four times bigger than the others around. My Ma told me it must be the "mother tree". The first and everything else around her is a part of her life. I believed her.
I laid the blankets out, and sat the basket down on one of her massive roots that stick out of the ground. I opened the lid on the basket one last time to make sure everything is still ok. Once that's done I turn around and head back toward my truck.
I've never been the type to get nervous easy, but my body is overflowing with it now. I take a deep breath and try to shake the nerves out threw my hands, and say a little prayer. As soon as I open Marie's door she turn towards me and starts trying to get out. Her eyes are still covered, so she's just reaching for me blindly.
I take her hand and give it a kiss then help her slide down from the truck. As soon as her feet touch the ground I take her by the elbow and lead her toward the tree.
"Can I open my eyes yet?"
I stopped us right in front of the mother tree with our picnic waiting. "When I first found this place I told my Ma about it. She told me this place is a surrounded in love, hope and giving. I feel that and so much more every time I'm here. I thought you could use a little bit of that today."
I loved behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist. I gave her a kiss on the cheek then whispered in her ear, "Open your eyes my love."
"Holy crap! Jamie!"
"You like it sweetheart?"
"I absolutely love it!"
Thank God for that. I'd been in a mad dash hanging fairy lights around the tree and in the branches. Torches were lite in a circle around everything to try and help with bugs. By the picnic basket there were two different dozen roses in a vase. Above each of those I had Marie's favorite picture of Bree and Alex blown up and framed.
Ma even made them pillows with their names sewn in them and set them under the photos were Marie knows no matter what the kids are here with us. Marie was trying to hide her sniffles to no use.
I took her by the elbow and escorted her to her own special pillow too. When she noticed her name embroidered as well she gave me a quick look in question. "Ma.", was all I could say with a shrug of my shoulders. Laughing Marie got comfy on her pillow. I took my seat beside her and grabbed the basket taking all the goodies out before Marie could snoop.
By the time the food was gone the moon was firmly in the sky. The grasshoppers and frogs were dueling with the radio of my truck to see who was loudest, and the torches had done a decent job of keeping the mosquitoes at bay. Everything had been going according to the plan so far. The sadness in Marie's eyes she tried to hide from me during the day had dimmed, to let the happiness shine through her eyes.
The weight on her shoulders seemed to melt away little by little with every word she spoke about the kids. The joy she was feeling was plain as day on her face. I would give my everything to make her feel that way again. While she was laughing at the end of the story she was telling about Alexander and the "pop nugget" I grabbed her gift from its hiding spot under the blanket.
I stood up and reached down for Marie's hand helping her up as well. I wrapped her in my arms and swayed to the song on the radio. No clue if I was even going to the beat, I was trying to distract Marie were she couldn't see the sweat rolling down my forehead. After a quick breath and a short kick in the ass it was now or never.
I took a small step back and grabbed both of her hands. "Marie, love, I know how hard today had been for you. I know you wished this was just another day, nothing special since the kids aren't with us. I know you would rather be at home curled up in bed dreaming about spending this day with them when they come back. Just like I also know how much your gonna beat yourself up in the morning for feeling this happy without them."
Marie opened her mouth about to contradict me. I placed my finger over her lips making sure she stayed quiet. "I know this because I know you. From the first day in the diner when you laughed at me for asking you out and telling me to get lost. I've made it my mission to change your mind. At first it was hard, hell infuriating really, just trying to get a Hello and a smile from you. Honestly I didn't know my game was so bad! I was stalking other regulars asking if they found out something new about you."
"Baby you don't even know what game is!" Marie full on laughed at her joke.
Damn this woman! Even when she's insulting me she makes me smile. "Then that faithful day in June you unwillingly had to put up with me. That day watching you with your kids I saw a totally different woman. Laughing and playing in the water with Bree and Alex. How much love and attention you gave them. I finally saw the real you and I was hooked from then. When we all went camping the following weekend it was like my deepest dreams were a reality. A dream I didn't think would ever come true, but you allowed me a glimpse, and I couldn't turn away. I've always wanted a family and yours was made for me. That's why I stole that kiss that night. I had to know if the signs I was seeing were true. Was there something between us or was it all in my head?"
"As soon as our lips touched fireworks exploded and my world had a new center. The next morning before y'all left I asked Bree and Alex if it would be ok for me to ask you on a proper date."
"Hold on, was that what you asked them right before I sat down at the 4th of July?"
"Yea, it was." My thumb kept sweeping up and down the back of her hand. I didn't know if I was trying to sooth her or myself. "And I'll never be able to thank them enough. They trusted me enough with the most precious thing in their world who just so happened to be my soulmate. You are the piece of my heart that's been missing for as long as I can remember. When I found out the kids were gone, that recently filled hole tore open wider than before. This time I know Bree and Alex will be back and bring it back to me. When they do I'll go ahead and give them the other half because y'all own it."
I let go of Marie's hand and reached into my back pocket for the box I'd been hiding all day. Marie was busy whipping her tears running down her face and still didn't see the box. I gave her left hand a gentle squeeze as I lowered myself down to one knee.
"Unfortunately I can't ask the real question right now because I'm missing the kid's permission, but that doesn't mean I can't make you a promise. Marie Long, I promise to love you, protect you, and stand by your for the rest of my life. I promise to fight for you and with you now and any through whatever dark times come ahead. I promise to love and care for Bree and Alex like they are my own. I promise to be your rock and light at the end of the tunnel. I promise I will do everything I can to bring Bree and Alex home safely to you. I promise to show you how much I love you every day. Will you promise to do the same?"
I flipped the top of the ring box open and presented the ring to her. Marie's tears were falling harder now I couldn't tell if that was a good sign or bad. It must have been good because a moment later I was tackled to the ground with Marie sprawled on top of me and all she could do was shake her head "Yes!"


Like I said swooooon!!!!! Was it sweet enough for y'all? Comment and let me know!

© 2018 Copyright by Callie Sumner. All rights reserved.

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