Holy Christmas Cookies

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A/N: WOO. Okay, I'm about to go to the beach until Wednesday, and I don't have internet there, so no new chapters until Thursday.  So sorry! And I really...really...really...hope you enjoy this chapter-- please, please, please let me know what you think!  I'm a little nervous about it. Also, random question--- will you leave a comment here and tell me where you are from?! I find it fascinating to find out that people are reading from all over the place.  You guys are awesome! Have a great weekend!!

I look terrible today and I know this.  I didn’t have time for a shower in the morning, which would have been okay considering I just took one before I went to bed the night before, but I slept with wet hair, which turned into something of a national disaster for my head.  I did what I could to look presentable, but I was running on about three hours of sleep. Having ridiculous, lustful thoughts for your best friend can often keep you up, tossing and turning all night.  So, I just threw my hair up into a really strange looking top knot.  I pulled on the cleanest clothes I have at the moment, which includes a pair of raggedy, scuffed up skinny jeans that I’ve rolled at the bottom, a lace bralette, and my most well worn, loose gray tshirt with the wide neckline. I can’t be worried with fashion, but comfort I can do.  I have to finish and package all the goodies for the bake sale tonight. 

I schlepped into the bakery at my normal time, and immediately turn on the coffee.  I’m half human at this point.  I work through two cups, and I start to feel a bit more lively.  Tom shows up around 8, and he doesn’t even say anything to me at first.  He’s wearing his normal running gear, and he’s a bit sweaty.  More than a bit, his gray shirt is soaked through the back a bit, and his hair is damp at the hairline, and pushed back.  It’s surprisingly sexy, and I can’t really handle it this early in the morning, so I sort of ignore him as well.

He grabs coffee to go, we exchange some morning pleasantries and then he leaves, which is surprising. He says he’ll be back later in the afternoon, and he’ll help me finish up the festival treats.  Okay…

The afternoon passes by quickly, which is surprising.  Mandy comes in and is her normal cheerful self.  She won’t stop talking about the festival, and how great it is that we’ve been invited to donate.  I nod and agree, because I know it is a pretty big deal here in Havre de Grace.  She asks me no less than three times if I’m okay, and every time I tell her I’m fine. I’m fine, I’m fine, I’m fine.  I’m just insane.  And brain dead. And I can’t stop thinking about that annoying British guy that’s been following me around the past five years.

 Mandy leaves at two, and says she’ll see me at the high school at six. I finish packaging everything and then I’m doing a bit of clean up when Tom finally shows up.  It’s half past four, and I need to get the pastries to the highschool by five.

“Hi.” I say, a bit annoyed that he’s shown up so late.  He looks nice though, as always.  He’s wearing a pair of gray trousers and a dark blue linen shirt.  It’s rolled at the sleeves. He’s casual, and looks relaxed and handsome. 

“Hi.  Sorry I’m behind.  Should we get things going?” He asks, not offering much of an explanation for his lateness.  I’d been expecting him at two or three.  I nod and explain to him how the boxes of sticky buns need to go into the car trunk, and how the bars should go in the back seat. I tell him I need to change and get ready, so he should start packing things up. He’s watching me and nodding, but I sort of feel like there’s no one at home.  I blink at him a few times.

“Woo hoo. Tom? Are you alright?” I wave my hand in front of his face, and he snaps out of his daze a bit.  He puts his hands on his narrow hips and shakes his head.

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