Four Dozen Cookies & Sink Tears

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I'm a few steps behind Bentley and Tom, which makes sense because their legs are about three times as long as mine, and I'm wearing four inch heels.  We fly through the lobby, and are just in time to catch a glimpse of Keegan running out through the main glass doors.

"What did you say to her?" Bentley asks, his voice low and barely audible.  I rush to keep up with them, grabbing at the sides of my gown and lifting it up as we hurry.  It would be terribly dramatic and glamorous if I weren't stumbling along like a little hobbit in drag.  Tom shakes his head slightly, and looks to the side at Bentley.

"I'm not repeating it." Tom's jaw is clenched and he won't look at me.  My heart is pounding in my chest, and I'm not sure whether to be concerned or angry or amused.  We push through the glass doors out into the London night, and I'm surprised it's gotten rather chilly out.  I shiver as the wind picks up. 

"You asshole! You absolute piece of shit!" Keegan comes flying out of nowhere, and for a second I think her head is going to start spinning around.  She looks absolutely infuriated and completely terrifying.  We all jump backward, and Tom pushes an arm out in front of me, shoving me back and to the side.

"You're drunk.  You're drunk and making a scene." Tom says, his voice still low and calm.  Keegan laughs, shaking her head in dismay.  Bentley looks at Tom and then at me. 

"Oh, must not make a scene!" She waves her hands in the air.  "Tom hates making a scene! Well, if I want to make a scene, I will make a fucking scene!" She screams and although there's no one outside at the moment, we all glance around.  Bentley leans into Tom and mumbles into his ear.

"I'm going to call you a car." He reaches into his pocket as Tom nods.

"Keegan, you need to go back to your hotel." He puts his hands out toward her, trying to be calming and soothing.  "Bentley's calling you a car, and you can go back to your hotel and sleep it off, and I promise you'll feel better tomorrow."

"Better?! Better about what?! The fact that you've been fucking that piece of trash all summer?" She points at me, her eyes wide and blank.  I take a step forward, feeling my blood start to boil but Bentley looks at me and shakes his head almost imperceptibly as he starts muttering quietly into his phone.

"Keegan. Stop." Tom's voice is steel and I can tell he's angry now. Keegan looks at Tom with wild, frantic eyes.  In almost an instant, she goes from enraged and angry to heartbreakingly sad.  Her big eyes fill with tears, and she hunches over, sobbing loudly into her hands. 

"Jesus." Bentley grumbles, looking at her over his shoulder.  Keegan cries loudly, wailing like a child in the midst of a temper tantrum.  The stages of drunken Keegan. 1. Loud, obnoxious, flirty. 2. Enraged, angry and belligerent. 3. Weepy, pathetic and sad.  Both Tom and I have dealt with all these stages of hers multiple times.  This time though, they are directed entirely at Tom and I and it's embarrassing.  We're not totally sure how to handle it when normally we are the ones trying to diffuse the situation.

Tom turns away from Keegan and I would have laughed if I weren't so distressed.  All we needed was an errant paparazzi to walk by, and turn this into a complete catastrophe. Tom looks comically upset- frustrated, disgusted and not amused at all.  I will call it his 'I'm living in a nightmare' face.

"I need to take her back to her hotel and calm her down." He dips his head low, talking into my ear.  I nod, shivering slightly as the wind picks back up. Tom shrugs out of his jacket, and places it around my shoulders.  It's warm from his body heat, and smells like him.  Behind Tom, I hear Keegan curse at us and continue to wail.

"I've got two cars coming." Bentley walks over and puts a hand on Tom's shoulder.  Tom reaches over and shakes Bentley's hand.

"Thank you, mate.  You should go back in. Any minute a pap is going to notice us and start taking photos.  I don't want you wrapped up in this." Tom groans and looks at his wrist, checking the time.  Bentley nods.

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