Kitchen Omelettes & Text Messages

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A/N: Boo...I go back to work on Monday.  Where has the summer gone? Just telling everyone because it will be hard to write at the pace I've been going.  I actually have and stuff and things.  And I'm getting married in October, so that is happening! LOL! Busy. 

Thanks for all the reads and comments, and I will continue to write as much and as fast as I can.  I will say Crumbs is about 80% finished at this point.  Love you alllll! Also, is anyone else dying over all the High Rise set pictures? I literally can't sleep at night because of them.  WHY NOT MEEEE.  That man....

“I’ll give you twenty dollars if you make me something to eat.” I mumble into Tom’s chest, then open my mouth and gnaw gently on his ribs.  He laughs and puts a big, warm hand around my chin.

“We’re in London. I need pounds, not dollars.” He laughs and strokes softly under my chin and down my neck.  I groan and lick his side, then scoot up so I am lying next to him.  His bed is even better than it looks, and we are nestled into it, the blankets surrounding us like a cocoon.  I never want to leave.  Tom is on his back with one arm around me.  His eyes are closed and he looks terribly comfortable and relaxed. 

“Well then I will do terrible, naughty, depraved things to you if you’ll find me some food.” I say, my voice low and rumbly.  It’s nearly half past two in the morning, and I can’t remember the last time I ate today.  I had much more important things to do than eat…like fly to London and shag Tom silly. I run my fingers lazily down his chest, running my finger tips over the swell of muscles and smooth skin.  He groans, a low vibration deep in his throat.

“You’ve already done terrible, naughty, depraved things.” He tips his head back into the pillow.  I grin and dig my chin into his chest.

“Please…” I walk my fingers down past his navel, and then brush the backs of my knuckles against his hips.  I feel that lovely bone there, the way it slides downward toward his groin, and I let my fingers follow that pathway.  Tom tenses and I stop my hand just above where I can feel the light, soft hair on his lower stomach get a bit coarser.

“Please.” I whimper again.  He grabs my hand and shoots out of bed, sitting up quickly.

“Do you want to wait here, or shall I serve you, darling?” He looks down at me and winks.  I grin and sit up, pulling the blanket off the bottom of the bed as I do.

“I’ll come with you.” I nod and wrap the blanket around me.  Tom nods and stands up, completely naked and starts toward the door.  The man has no shame.  I stay sitting on the edge of the bed, unable to move.  I will never, ever, ever get used to seeing him naked. Ever.

“I think I have stuff for sandwiches and there’s leftover curry.  Or I can make you an omelette.” He turns around, looking over his shoulder at me when he notices I haven’t left my spot in bed.

“Omelette would be good.” I nod.

“Come on then, lazy, you can help me chop.  Or you can just sit and watch.” He leans down to pick up his boxers on the floor.  They are over in the corner where I flung them a few hours earlier. 

“Oh, I’ll sit and watch.” I say softly under my breath.  He looks up at me, bent over slightly and gives me an eyeful.  He pats his stomach playfully, and then stands up straight. 

“I’ll meet you in the kitchen.” He smiles and then turns and disappears into the bathroom that’s behind him.  His bathroom is just as amazing as the rest of his home.  There’s a lovely, big claw foot tub and an enclosed glass shower.  He has a large wooden vanity with double sinks, and a big window that overlooks the back garden, which I could only partially see due to the yellowish glow of the street lamps.

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