Hanging With My Bros

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Johnny woke up to the sound of his annoying alarm clock. He turned it off and went to the bathroom to get ready. When he got out he saw that Nadia his best friend was texting him.
Nads:hey John
John:Hey nads just woke up....you?
Nads: Nahhh I woke up somewhere at 6:00.
John:Ok well gotta go I have to meet Hayden at his house so we can walk to school together.
Nads:Why him he is always with you why not me?
Nads:You know I lik-
John:Nadia I know you like me I like you too. But not in the like like zone. Besides we are REALLY good friends and I don't wanna change that.
Suddenly Nadia felt like she just got stabbed in the heart. She really like Johnny and she knows that if they date it will ruin their friendship. But.... she didn't care.
John:Not trying to be mean but don't you have a sister or something.
Nads: Yeah but she can get really annoying🙄🙄🙄
John:Oh I just can't believe I never met her but anyways to make it up to you... can me and my bros hang at your place after school and just hang out.
Nads:Ok well bye see you later
When Johnny got his bag and his phone he went straight to Hayden's. When he got there he saw Hayden with a girl.
Hayden:Hey John
Johnny:Hey hay who's this?
Hayden:Oh this is my girlfriend Annie🙂🙂
Johnny:What!! Bro what have you been doing. You NEVER told me you had a girlfriend, but I'm proud of you hay
Hayden:Thx Anyways can we go to school now?
When they got to school Johnny went to his locker which was next to Nadia's.
Johnny:hey Nadia
Nadia:Hey John
Johnny:Wanna walk to English class together?
When they were walking Nadia tried to hold his hand but he moved away.
Nadia:Why can't I hold your hand?
Johnny:Nadia they might think we are dating and we're not. I just don't want everything to go crazy.
After some of their classes it was finally time for lunch. Johnny and his bros sat next to Nadia, Annie and Jayden.
Boys:Hey girls
Nadia:So Johnny I asked my mom if you guys can come over later she said sure. My parents will be at work.
Boys & girls:Ok
After school the gang went to Nadia's house to hang. When they got there Johnny offered to knock. When he knocked Nadia answered. " hey!" Nadia greeted them with a warm smile on their faces. When they went in, the first thing Johnny saw was a girl sitting the couch. He just stands there staring at the girl thinking she was very cute. Which she was.
Mackenzie: You should've told me you were gonna have people over.
Nadia:Sorry sis but I just told mom.
Mackenzie:Anyway Who are these people?
Johnny quickly jumped into their conversation so he can just say hi to Mackenzie first.
Johnny:I'm Johnny, johnny Orlando. Nadia's best friend.
Mackenzie: Cute name😏😏 I'm Mackenzie.
Johnny face turned really red.
Johnny:Yours is an even cuter name🙂🙂
Now Mackenzie's faces turns red. Nadia saw how the way they talked and stared into each other's eye, she suddenly got jealous.
Hayden:Anyways I'm Hayden Johnny's other best friend.
Mackenzie:Hayden Summeral? Oh well nice name
Annie:I'm Annie Leblanc Hayden's girlfriend.
Mackenzie:Oh if you guys weren't dating I will still ship you guys.
Annie:Thx btw your sooo sweet and gorgeous.
Mackenzie*Chuckles* Thanks Ann's
They all took turns saying their names and stuff about them self to Mackenzie. Johnny just couldn't keep his eyes of her, he thinks she is REALLY beautiful.
Mackenzie:Umm johnny are you Ok?
Johnny:*snapped out of his thoughts*Oh y-yeah!
Everyone went to the basement except Mackenzie she stayed in the living room watching stranger things for the 1,599 time.
When everyone was at the basement they all decided to play truth or dare. Obviously Carson loves going first so he did.
Johnny:Umm Carson Truth or dare?
Carson:Umm Truth
Johnny:Who do you like in the group.
Carson really liked Nadia but he knew that Nadia likes Johnny so he said nothing.
Carson:I will tell you guys later just not now😕😕
Johnny:my turn
Hayden:Ok Johnny Truth or dare
Hayden:I dare you to go up to Mackenzie hang for a little then make a move then..... KISS HER!!
Annie:Hayden that's to much she might not like it.
Hayden:It's fine I know she will.
There was a awkward silence.
Hayden:SOOOOOOOOO.......... are you gonna do it?
Johnny then went to the living room and said "hey" to Mackenzie with a smile on his face. Mackenzie then replied with a " Hey" back.
Johnny: what are you watching?
Mackenzie:Stranger things... wanna watch?
Johnny sat next to Mackenzie. Then he tried to yawn just so he can put his arm around her. When he did, Mackenzie had the BIGGEST smile on her face. When the show was over, everybody had to go home. When the gang was getting ready in the basement, johnny had remembered about the dare so he had to kiss her before they come up stairs. He then told Mackenzie " it was really nice being at your place today.... but mostly being here with you🙂🙂". She started blushing. Then everyone came up and headed to the door. "Me too😏😏". She then kissed John on the cheek making him blush. "See you at school"Mackenzie said.
Johnny replied with a "yep😊😊". Now everyone saw her kiss him and everyone was smiling... but not Nadia. " Hey can I have your number so we can chat? You don't have to if you don't want to." Johnny asked." Why would I say no? But sure🙂🙂" Kenzie gave John her number while John gave her his number. When they all left Nadia turned around to see a smiley Kenzie still on the couch.
Kenzie went up stairs and got ready for bed. When she was finished she went in her room to see that Johnny was texting her. She quickly jumped on her bed and started texting him back.
Johnny:Mack n cheese
Johnny:Phew I thought you died but good thing you didn't.
Mackenzie:Wait I just looked back at the text you send me and why did you say babygirl and girlfriend?
Mackenzie:Was it Because I kissed you?😏😏😏
Johnny:Maybe maybe not?😳😳
Mackenzie:Relax that kiss was just in stage one or level one.
Mackenzie:Yes there's stages and if you keep talking about it I will just stay on stage one.😏😏
Johnny:NO!! don't I will not talk about it.
Mackenzie:Good anyways I gotta go to sleep it getting late. Bye
Johnny:Bye gn
Mackenzie:Gn Ily
Johnny:I love you too.
When Kenzie turned off her phone, she laid down her bed..... with a BIG smile on her face. She thought for a second" what has this boy done to me". She then went to sleep.
*at the Orlando's place*
When johnny went home he went upstairs to get ready for bed. When he was done he texted Kenzie.
( I am to lazy to right the whole text thing over again do just read Mackenzie's part again if you guys want.)  He turned off his phone, and went to sleep with a BIG smile on his face. He really liked Kenzie and wanted to tell her that. Then he wanted her to be his. But he's afraid that she doesn't like him back.

Well little did he know she had a BIG surprise for him.

I'm really glad how this turned out. Sorry for the love cringe stuff. I just thought of that in my stupid brain. But anyways I hope you guys liked this chapter. I did.....(kinda). Well see you in the next chapter bye.
                                                 Word count: 1378

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2018 ⏰

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