Yandere Tokyo Ghoul Harem

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     Okay... I'm sorry the last few chapters seemed a bit rushed and subpar. I was writing quickly and haphazardly, but thankfully, I'm trying not to write like that. I'm trying to write slowly and in more detail, so tell me what you think about it please. It would be very helpful.

Requests are CLOSED. Okay? Stop requesting for the time being! I have over a dozen things in draft mode, so please stop adding to my workload! Please!

Enjoy the chapter!

I woke up in my bed, gently knocking my alarm clock of the table, but also knocking off my glasses. I lifted the duvet off of my tired, drowsy body and lugged my feet off the side of the bed. I heard a rather loud *crunch*. I picked up the source of the sound and looked at it up close. It was the bent frame of my glasses, and I felt the shard of my lenses in my feet.

I yelped, all of a sudden wide awake. I practically crawled to my bathroom and sat on the toilet lid. I put one of the two injured feet on my knee. I then took a pincer off the sink's rim — that was where I kept most bathroom utensils — and looked at the sole of my foot. There were luckily only three shards, and all were sticking out of the foot. I dug then all out, much to my discomfort. I then looked at he sole of my other foot, placing it on my other knee. This one had a shard imbedded in it. I had to dig the tweezer into my foot and pull it out. T was a big shard too. I ended up having to stop the blood with the quater of a full roll of toilet paper.

I then wrapped both feet up in bandages and hobbled back to the area with the glasses' lenses' shards. I sweeper up all of the danger into a little bin and threw the frame away along with the tiny glass knives. I then got dressed by fumbling around the wardrobe, trying to see things from memory.

I was short sighted, so I had absolutely no clue how to get around without my glasses. I was as blind as a bat without them... and I didn't have a spare pair... I took my keys and my phone as I left my room and locked he door. I walked down the corridor and to the stairs. I calmly descended to the bottom floor and left the building. I lived in quite a big block of apartments, and I owned number 42.

Once out the building, I looked at my watch... which I had forgotten at home. This made me panic. If I didn't know the time, I didn't know if I was going to be late or not! I assumed the worst and hurriedly limped to school. Thankfully, I met my friend, Paul, at the school gates. He said hi and asked what was wrong with my leg.

'I accidentally stepped on my glasses, and the broken lens pieces got into my foot. I had to remove the shards before I came, so I rushed to get here. I don't think it helped...' I said.

'Damn... anyway, we best get going. Otherwise, we'll be late for Biology.' Said Paul.

'Yeah, you're right.' I agreed with him.

He helped me to get all the way to class on time, which I thought was very nice of him. We waited outside the door with all the other students until the teacher told us we could come in. I rushed to the font row to be able to see the whiteboard without squinting too much. It was hard, but not impossible.

The class went on in a jiffy. The three hours of biology was really fun. I got 19 out of 20 on the test from last week, whereas Paul go 18 out of 20. If I weren't in so much pain, I would probably be giving him grief for it. Next we had lunch, so we hurried to be at the front of the queue. We ate while talking about random nonsense of the day, until the subject of the recent murders came up.

'So, did you hear about that girl that was attacked by a ghoul recently?' Asked Paul.

'Y-yeah. W-wasn't her n-name Kaneki?' I asked.

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