Chapter One

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| Chapter One |

Loneliness and the feeling of being unwanted is the most terrible poverty

- Mother Teresa

I am invisible and unheard.

At least in high school.

After moving to Lakeview, I've stayed in the shadows. I never attended events or parties unless it was a slumber party at Hailey's, my best friend. I stayed quiet, not raising my hand too much or speaking too loudly. I just needed to survive and then I'd gone. Away at music college and on my way to success.

As I made my way through the busy hallway with Hailey's hand pulling my arm, I couldn't help but daydream about this afternoon. I was able to book the music room not only for this week but for the semester. I longed for the touch of the strings under my fingers, swaying slowly to my own music. The beat moving my heart and the tension finally being released. The walls would disappear and it would only be me and the melody.

That's what I loved.

I snapped back to reality with Hailey waving her hand in front of my face. Her blonde hair tied up into a ponytail with brown eyes shining in confusion. We were in front of the classroom and blocking the entrance.

"Chloe, are you okay? Did you hear me?" she looked at me with annoyance. I shake my head and she sighed exasperatedly.

We entered the English and Hailey blabbered on while we sat down.

"Did you hear about Noah? He and Blaire broke up; it was really messy. She apparently cheated with with his best friends for like months," she tutted and shook her head disapprovingly.

"I mean, if you have such an amazing relationship, don't waste it with one night stands, am I right?"

I just nodded silently.

Her head snapped to me and stared me down accusingly.

"I'm telling you the hottest gossip of the year and you just nod?"

"Sorry Hailey, my thoughts are a little messed up. You know I couldn't care less about stranger's lives-"

"This is not some stranger, this is Noah Hudson!"

I rolled my eyes and she playfully chuckled. Hailey Stanson always seemed to love the drama and being her best friend, I never said no to listening to it. She usually blabbered on a Saturday night with some cheesy movie playing in the background. The smell of popcorn would be in the air and some of the rumours she told me was absolute crazy. We'd stay up late, talking about everything and nothing. She made me happy. That's why we became friends.

The classroom was slowly getting more full and the sound was slowly becoming cacophonous and I tried to only focus on one conversation while mindlessly fidgeting with my fingers. Two guys in front of me were talking about their weekend and how they scored. I didn't understand until they started to describe doing the devil's tango, I crinkled my eyes in disgust and tried forget about what they were talking about. I could still hear them and tried to block out the sound.

Soon, they stopped. I tried to listen to another conversation until I realized the whole room basked in silence.

I looked up from my fingers and saw a mess of a human. Roughed up black hair, bags under eyes and creases on his uniform. I looked away really fast. It felt like I was invading his privacy. I hated to see when some just looked terrible, as if their life had taken a role, even people I didn't know or like. We put up facades so much and to see them crack down like that? It was as if I knew and felt everything that the person had gone through.

No one breathed as he went to and sat down at a desk in the back row. Who was that guy?

"Oh my gosh, Chloe that's Noah."

Shit, did I say that aloud?

I'm such an embarrassment.

The conversation resumed but a little quieter and the guys in front of me went all rigged. I bent down to grab my books out of my backpack as the teacher should come soon. I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned to Hailey. But she had her earpods in, looking straight ahead. I turned around to see William, a guy I talked to once or twice. He looked really awkward as he offered a note to me.

I gave a small smile and took the note from his hands. I slowly opened it.

Thanks for not turning around and staring.

I turned around again and stared at William questioningly. He looked at me confused and glanced behind him. I saw Noah staring at me.

I immediately turn around and focus on my books.

For the rest of the class, I either looked at my books or the teacher at the front. But I wasn't really focusing.

Why was he staring at me?

Probably waiting for an answer, idiot.

Was he still staring at me?

But I fought the temptation to turn around.

When the bell rang, I stuffed my books into my bag and walked briskly out of there. I wanted to avoid the whole mess of students leaving at once. Once I was out, I realized I left Hailey in there. I abruptly turned around and bumped into a chest.

I froze and so did the chest.

I took a step back and started to apologize profusely, never taking my eyes off the floor.

"I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going. I just need to back in there-"

"It's okay."

I finally glanced up. His eyes bore into mine. I felt uneasy but kept my ground. His deep emerald eyes were slightly twinkling and he had a small smile. I internally smiled that he looked happier than before. And then I did the stupidest thing. Ever.

"Are you okay?"

His eyes froze and his smile disappeared. He looked through me and his face hardened. He walked away, as if nothing ever happened. 

Hi, welcome to Heartstrings. I'm gonna admit that this is definitely not my best writing skill and it's probably really bad but hopefully you stick around. I'm currently writing a couple things but if you want me to update 'Heartstrings' more often then once a week, please vote and comment :)

- L

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