Chapter 5

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| Chapter Five |

Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it.

- Confucius

I felt a small nudge on my shoulder. I slapped it away. If it was Connie, I was going to kill her.

Can't a girl have a little sleep?

The nudge felt stronger but when I float in between consciousness and unconsciousness, it takes me more than a nudge to wake me up. I felt alone and was about to dive back in when the feeling of flying. Tight arms wrapped around my back and legs lifted me up and my arms went instinctively around a neck. I felt like a little girl, when dad would carry me to my bed whenever I fell asleep in the car.

I pulled closer to the neck and sighed. This was total bliss. The body went rigid, with the muscles in the neck flexing a little. The chest muscles tightened and I was slowly lowered onto the ground. I forced my eyes to open and saw Noah looking at me, with a smile in his eyes.

"I would've brought you inside, but I didn't know where you're keys were." I looked away and trained my eyes on the ground, wiping the sleep away and reached into my back pocket. I took out my keys, slid them inside and turned to open the door. There weren't any lights on and I breathed.

I turned around abruptly and smiled tightly.

"Thank you for bringing me home. If you ever need anything, you can ask me anytime. But, I think that we both know what will happen. I guess see you around."

I grabbed my violin case and my bag that presumably Noah brought and went inside. I turned on the lights and took off my shoes. I was about to close the door when,

"Can I see your phone for a second?" he smirked. I raised an eyebrow and he just winked. I pulled my phone out of my bag and he took it quickly. He typed something quick into it and handed it back to me.

I closed the door and stood there for a while. Noah Hudson just brought me home. Literally carried me home. I had to take a deep breath as I sank down into the floor.

Oh. My. Glob.

I quickly turned on my phone and switch it on. It started ringing before I could do anything.


I rolled my eyes but she couldn't see my blush. "Oh please Hailey, he just brought me home. I fell asleep in his car-"

"You fell asleep what?!" she interrupted me and I laughed. "You mean to tell me you fell asleep in a guy's car, while he brought you home? AND YOU DIDN'T THINK OF TELLING ME?!" I heard the door slamming and Hailey swearing under breath. Something about

"Of course, I opened my phone and was about to call you-"

My doorbell rang and I stood with a knowing smile on my lips. I opened the door and saw a very confused/excited/surprised Hailey standing there. She immediately threw me into a hug and then dragged me into the house. The door closed on its own after I give it a small push before being pushed onto the couch by Hailey. She may be small, but when she's motivated, she can do anything.

Hailey sat next to me and gave me a look that basically said you-better-spill-otherwise-i'll-slowly-pull-each-tooth-out-painfully. Ah, my best friend.


I spilled everything. From the note, to the music room, to his house and finally the ride home. I felt my mouth racing and the more I talked, the more excited Hailey looked. The crazy look in her eye took over and by the end she was giggling like a mad woman.

She didn't usually show this side of her to a lot of people, she was more introverted than most people thought. Sure, she knew a lot of people, but she didn't hang with anyone other than me. She only had one previous boyfriend like me, and it ended up in poo like me, but we picked each other up. My smile grew as I watched her, now standing up and hopping around.

"Oh my glob, I mean he's hunky, smart, funny, caring- and gosh Chloe he's amazing! You're so lucky." she sighed at the end, clutching her heart.

"What do you mean, 'I'm so lucky'? We're not dating." I stated, and looked at her as if she's crazy, but my smile stayed up there.

"Oh come on, he didn't do this stuff for what's-her-Name, Stephanie."

I smile stayed plastered on my face as Hailey kept bantering on about how we'd be that unlikely but iconic couple at school, and absolutely perfect for each other. I completely didn't notice the buzzing in my pocket so I took it out and found that someone called Handsome Stranger was calling. I motioned Hailey to quiet down and picked up.


"Hey, how's it going beautiful?" a smooth voice replied. My heart stopped as I tried to recognize who it was. I saw Hailey in the corner of my eye mouthing 'Who is it?' over exaggeratingly and I just shrugged.

"Uh, um-"

"Don't tell me you already forgot me. You know, some call me unforgettable, but I guess I have to make more of an effort with you, huh?"

"Noah?" I blurted out. Hailey's eyes widened and I shot her a look of 'how-the-bleep-was-I-supposed-to-know? Noah chuckled on the other side and blood rushed to my cheeks. God, that was like the fifth time today. I'm sure it's a record for me.

"Wow, you remember me. I was scared that I'd have to make you run into me accidentally again."

I laughed slightly, with the embarrassment obvious in my voice. "Sorry about that, but to be fair, you were in the way-"

"You turned so fast, the road runner would've been jealous."

"Ah, so you're a fan of cartoons?"

"What can I say, I'm a classical man."

We both laughed and Hailey wiggled her eyebrows and I stuck my tongue out. And then suddenly, out of the blue, Hailey pulled the phone out of my hand and ran across the house. I sighed in sheer tiredness and dropped onto the couch. After half a minute, Hailey come back with a full grin plastered on her face. I looked at her with an accusing look and she just continues to smile as she passed my phone.

"Anyways," she said, dragging out the first 'a', "wanna have a movie marathon?"

I knew that she was trying to distract me, but I was fine with that. We pulled up Netflix and I popped the popcorn. We spent the rest of the night watching aimlessly while talking over it most of it.

Hey guys! Updating early cause life's getting busy. Hope you liked the chapter! I hope you have an amazing day and see you next update!

- L

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