Chapter 10 {werewolf}

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The second the bell rang for the end of my last class I hightailed it out of there. The classroom was suffocating, the stares I was getting made me want to scream. They were so piercing, but in a scarier way than before.

Damn you Seth. Why did he have to show those people the hickeys? The rumor mills were already spreading.

On my way to my locker I bump into hard body and step back to see the familiar green eyed brunette from earlier.

"Oh hi..?"


"Sorry Quill for bumping into you. I'm a bit of a clutz,"

"It's alright, I get it. The whole school is giving you that stare aren't they? I heard, the closet incident isn't helping your case."

"My god its like I'm under a magnifying glass. I was just consoling Seth about something and we walked out of the closet. It was blown out of proportion. "

His mouth widened into megawatt smile and chuckled at my words.

"Their saying your the one who started his tirade."

I blushed.

"Technically I left him without a bestfriend not a friend with benefits. I've never even kissed someone before I left."

Flashes of the past couple days go through my mind and I realize. I could very quickly become what I said I wasn't if I didn't stop Seth and his wandering hands.

I hadn't noticed until I shook myself out of the daze and saw his face brighten at his words.

"So you weren't kidding earlier when you said you were his bestfriend."

"Of course not. I use to live here but I moved during freshmen year."

He shook his head in disbelief.

"A girl who was friends with the beast for that long with her virginity intact. I wish I would have met you before but I transferred in Sophmore year."

"Belle, what are you doing,"

I heard his growl before I processed his words and turned to Seth leaning against my locker.

"I'm talking to someone Seth."

"A boy."

"Yes Seth, a boy."


"Seth Richard Knight, I swear on all things holy if you don't let me speak to a person normally I will fly to Hawaii and never come back."

He was grumbling to himself as I turned back to a confused Quill.

"Sorry Quill, I gotta get going. He's my ride home."

"Alright, bye Belle."

His puzzled expression only made it worse as I walked over to an angry Seth and dragged him away from the boy. He was holding my bag which made me sigh in relief. One less thing to worry about. My hand was at his elbow as we walked to his car in the parking lot.

The wandering eyes following us where we went.

"I don't want you talking to Quill anymore."

"Seth. Come on, he's the only person who will talk to me who isn't apart of your group."

"You've got Cassy and the girls she hangs out with."

"All of them only talk to me because they know your not trying to do me and make me your latest notch on your belt."

We had made it to his car when he tried to grip my waist and push me against his car. I slid from his grasp before he could get a solid hold and twirl away from him.

"You could never be another notch my beautiful belle."

We were in the car now my fingers messing with my phone hopelessly trying to make this less awkward.

"The statement you just said is redundant. You called me a Beautiful Beauty."

My cheeks were flushed from the compliment his voice was deep and husky. I was trying to make it less impactful by calling him out.

"Your right Belle. Their are no words to describe your beauty."

"That's not what I meant."

I had stuck my flaming face in my hands as he placed his hand on my thigh. He caressed it causing me to clench my thighs together. 

I slapped his hand away and a growl emitted from his throat this time deeper and scarier. The car swerved on the road and I shrieked seeing Seth fight against himself.

I grab the steering wheel and rip it out of the way of the oncoming car into the side forest. Seth ripped his way out of the car and shot into the forest.


I ran after him shutting my door behind me as I ran into the the woods after him.

"Don't follow me, Belle stay back."

Seth growled it at me as he fell to the ground with a cracking noise. It sounded like a bone breaking.

"Like hell I will."

I came to his side and placed my hand on his shoulder and caused him to growl and look back at me.

"Oh my god Seth. What are you?"

His face was moving to form a snout, his eyes darkening to a deep blue. I didn't step back as he watched me. I stayed by his side as his body ripped the clothes off him and completely transformed into a wolf before me.

"Oh hell no. You can't be a what I think you are."

I wanted to move back  and forward at the same time. But Seth, the grey wolf decided for me and walked up to me licking my face. I tried not to smile but couldn't. I must have gone crazy. Nuts. This just couldn't be.

I laughed. Somewhat hysterically as I petted the wolf before me. My bestfriend was a damn


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