I was working my Job as a model for Victorious secret I went to go and grab my stuff that I would be modeling and out fell a key.
" OMG I AM GOING TO BE ON BIG BROTHER. " I yell and jump up and down.
-What the viewer see-
Hi my name is Y/n L/n and I am a victorious secret model and I am 25 years old I am from Fort worth Texas.
- Time skip-
I walk onto the stage and notice that there is only 8 of us out here. I am a super fan I know like almost everything about this show.
" You may have noticed that there are only 8 of you out here, well that is because the other 9 houseguest are already in the house. ( Their is seventeen houseguests) " Julie says.
" We are going to walk in groups of 4, the first 4 houseguest from the second group are Y/n, bayleigh, angela and swaggy c. One of the men get took the door first and holds it opens for the rest of us. I walk into the big brother house and I immediately run and grab a bed in the blue room the last bed. In the blue room I then walk back to the living room and meet some of the people. This really pretty blonde haired girl comes up.
" Hey I am Haleigh. " she says
" Hey I am Y/n." I say.
" Hey let's do introductions. "Someone Yells. When it was my turn to go I stand up.
" Hi my name is Y/n l/n and I am a victorious secret model and I am 25 years old I am from Fort worth Texas." I say.
-Y/n's DR-
Omg Brett is a total smoke show. I blush a little.
-Brett's DR-
Y/n is a total babe. My god no wonder she a fudging model.
- end of DR-
After we all introduce ourselves we all kinda spilt up and talk to people. I decide that I am going to change into something more comfortable.
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I walk into the bathroom stall and start to to get changed when I finished getting changed I put my hair up in a mess bun and I walk into the blue room to put my clothes back away. Then I hear Julie say that their is going to be a competition so I walk out to the backyard there are two platforms I am on a platform with Tyler, Brett, Angela, Kaycee, Winston, Rachel, JC, and Steve. Where standing on the platform when I suddenly drops we have to find a folder and if it says escape then you get to back to house if it says escape and play then you get to play in the second part. I find I folder and it says escape. So I get to go back to the house. I was the first one to find one so I have to wait for another person to find one. The next one to find one is Tyler. He comes back into the house I give him a hug and say good job. Next is Brett then the rest of the houseguest come back and Angela gets to play in the second part.We start the second part it was Angela against swaggy C. Shaggy C ends up winning and he get to keep 2 groups safe. He chooses my group because he was in my group and then he chooses Winston, Brett, Kaycee, and Angela's Group. Now the people that are not safe have to fight for the first ever HOH competition. Tyler ends up winning that competition becoming this week's HOH. I walk upstairs and into Tyler's HOH room to see who he is going to nominate. I walk in and see Tyler, Brett, Winston, Kaycee, Angela, and Rachel all talking.