Brett x - reader

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( A/n you take the place of Kaycee.)

-Y/n's POV-

I was working at my job.( you are a model.) when I go to open my makeup bag I see the bigbrother Key.

" Omg I am going to be on bigbrother." I yell.

" hi I am Y/n and I am from Texas and I moved to LA to help with my modeling career.I am 23 years old." I say

- Time skip to the interviews with Ross.-

" well I am here with this very pretty lady, I will let you introduce yourself." Ross says.

" Well I am Y/n and I am 23 years old and I am a model and I am from texas originally but I moved to LA to fauther my modeling career." I say

" Well I mean its not hard to tell that you are from texas you have that lovely southern accent." ross says 

" Thanks my mom and dad both have the accent so I learned  from them." I say

" Ok so back to the questions, So do you have a strategy going into the house?" Ross asks

" So I think I am going to align myslef with some of the stronger competitors and then let them carry me for the frist few weeks then start winning competitions." I say

" that sounds like a good plan, do you have a boyfriend outside of the house?" Ross asks

" No I don't." I say.

" Did you proposely come into the house single so you chould get into a showmance?" Ross asks

" Well I didn't and I don't plan on getting into a showmance but if I truely have feelings for the person then I might get into one." I say

" Well good luck to you." Ross says

- Time skip to right before you walk on stage-

I finish getting ready and do my hair and makeup

I finish getting ready and do my hair and makeup

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I walk onto the stage and stand thereI wait for Juile to call my name so I can walk into the big brother

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I walk onto the stage and stand there
I wait for Juile to call my name so I can walk into the big brother.

" The frist four people to walk in are Tyler, Bret, Angela, and Y/n " I grab my bag and walk into the house almost falling face frist because I steped on the end of my dress. I walk into the house and walk into the room and set my stuff down on the bed. I walk back out of the room.

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