Tyler x-reader

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This was suggested to me by theofficialfan1215 I really liked you idea and so here is me tying to write about it.

- Y/n's POV-
I was upstairs talking to the HOH Faysal because I didn't really know where his head was at he says that he is going to nominate Brett and Scottie.
I race down the stairs to go tell tyler but fall on my knee.

" Ow!" I yell

" Omg what happend!?" Tyler asks

" well in fell down the stairs and landed on my knee." I say.

" Can you get up?" He ask

" No I cant move ny knee." I say the paramendics rush in and put me on a stretcher.

- time skip-

" Well you tore your Acl meaning that you can go back in the house you just can't play any pysical competitions for aleast  a couple of weeks to a month." the doctor says

" Omg this is so bad." I say.

" Are you going to go back into the house?" the doctor asks.

" Hell yeah I am." I say.

" Well then you have to wear crutches." He say.

" Ok thats fine." I say.

- Tyler's POV-

" Ow!" I hear Y/n yell

" Omg what happend?!" I ask

" Well I fell down the stairs and landed on my knee." she says

" Can you get up?" He ask

" No I cant move ny knee." I say the paramendics rush in and put me on a stretcher.

- Time skip-

" Houseguets meet in the livingroom." Juile says

" Well as you Know Y/n is not in the house well she tore her acl and she is in the hospital decideing whether to come back to the house. We will stay in contact." Juile says

" Well I Hope she comes back so I can show her that i love her." I say talking to myslef inside my head.

- Time skip.-

" GUESS WHOS BACK BITCHES!" I hear Y/n Yell I run over to her and give her a hug.

" I am in love with you." I whisper  into her ear.

" I love you too Ty." she says then I kiss her.

" I will take care of you until you heal." I say to her.

" Ok." She says. She goes over to all the other houseguest and Hugs them.

" I can't play in any Physical competitions." She says.

" Aww that sucks." I say I pick her and her cruches up and carry her to bed because she looked  super tried.

" thanks babe." She say before drifting off to sleep. I blush when she calls me Babe.

- Time skip.-

" Tyler." I hear Y/n yell.I walk into the room and see her really stuggling to put a pair of shorts on.

" Here let me help." I say.I stand her up with her hands on my shoulders supporting her and pull up her shorts

" Their you are Baby." I say kissing her. When i called her baby i saw a blush grow on her check.

The rest of the week i was helping Y/n do alot of different things and I began to fall more in love with her then I already was. I think she is my solemate.

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