( A/n you take the place of Kaycee in the story. )
- Y/n's POV-
I was on the pool with Angela and Rachel. I was wearing my favorite bikini
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I was sitting on the edge of the pool and talking to Angela and Rachel.
" Hey so do you think any of the guys are cute in here?" Angela asks.
" I mean Brett is pretty F*cking hot. " I say blushing.
" I think winston is hot. " Rachel says.
" Tyler is hot. " Angela says. Just then I slip off the edge of the pool.
" Holy fudge of is so cold!" I yell. Rachel and Angela laugh at Me.
" it's not funny. " I say.
" Yes it is your face was priceless. " Rachel says then I hear the backdoor slide open I look up and see Brett, Winston, and Tyler. I quickly turn away.
-Brett's DR-
I walk outside and see Y/n in the pool in this very sexy bikini. She is a total SMOKESHOW.
- End Of DR-
" Don't look but Brett is staring at you." Angela says.
" Why would he look at me? " I ask.
" It obviously because he likes you." Rachel says I blush and so I drive under the water and when I come back up I do a hair flip. I then swim back over to Angela and Rachel.
" So you really think he likes me?" I ask
" Well I think so but you may want to ask him sense he is coming over here. " Rachel says.
" I-i don't know what to say to him. " I say
" just act normal. " Angela says.
" Mind if me, Tyler, and Winston join you girls in the pool?" Brett asks.
" No not at all. " I say
" OK well we will be back in a second. " He says.
"OK. " I say.
" Omg I actually just talked to him I am so proud of myself. " I say.
" You are a natural girl. " Angela says. Hear the back door open and I see Brett the other guys shirtless.
-Y/n's DR-
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-End Of DR-
They walk over to the pool and jump im splashing all of us.
" Really do you have to splash us. " I say.
" No but it made it more fun for us. " Tyler says.
" Whatever. " I says rolling my eyes at his stupidity.
" So what are we going to do?" Rachel asks.
" we should play truth or dare. " Winston suggests.
"yeah we should. " I say.
- Y/n's DR-
So I am scared off what is going to happened but I wanted to look good in front of Brett.
-End Of DR-
" Rachel truth or dare?" Winston asks.
" dare. " Rachel says
" I dare you to show us a cheerleading Routine. " Winston says rachel gets out of the pool and then she starts doing her routine then we all start clapping.
" Angela truth or dare?" Rachel says
" Truth. " Angela says.
" Who do you have a crush on in the house?" Rachel asks. Angela blushes.
" I have a crush on Tyler. " She says.
" I have a crush on you too. " Tyler says.
" You do?" Angela asks
" Yeah. " Tyler says winking. Gosh they are so cute together.
" Y/n Truth or dare?" Angela asks.
" Dare. " I say.
" I dare you to kiss the cutest guy in the house. " Angela say. I give her a glare but turn to look at Bret and kiss him on the lips for a second then pull away.
" Brett, Truth or dare?" I ask
" dare. " Brett says
" I dare you to have a make out session with the cutest girl Here. " I say Bret turns and looks at me and then kisses me and then I kiss back and then we pull away out of breath.
" so are we a thing then?" I ask in a whisper.
" Only if you want to be." he says.
"I do want to. " I say.
" You guys are such a ship. " Angela says I blush and look up and He is blushing to.