Sneak Peak

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Delilah hefted a sigh of relief as she entered her home, her energy drained from the long hours of work finally taking its toll. She made her way to the kitchen, igniting the stove top to warm up the kettle all the while getting a peach and ginger tea bag ready in her oversized mug and kicking off her work shoes. She rolled her neck of the sore joints from being so stiff in the library, much to her enjoyment fo being there a part of her did still miss Eddie; she shook her head though  as if to shoo away the thought of Eddie Brock from her mind, he has a girlfriend now and her love for him was now her secret to bare. Her depressing thoughts continued for a short while as she made her way to the bedroom to change, her war paint now whiped clean from her skin and her chest plate free now she can slumber peacefully in an oversized New York tee that was overworn and split at its ends. 

It was her favorite shirt to wear after a long days work and, whatsmore, it once belonged to Eddie long ago. She remembered the day he loaned it to her, a change of clothes for her to wear after the harsh rains; a while back she stood in his bathroom with his huge basketball shorts on and his shirt to which she hugged close and took in his scent. How it had a mild smell of Old Spice and peppermint warmed her heart and started a flutter of butterflies in her stomach. 

But now the smell of him being long gone and replaced with her fresh linen scent, but, a hint of peppermint stil added to it. 

Had she been in her thoughts for so long she didn't realize that her kettle was now whistling to life and her small cat, Lilac, now beckoning to her at her feet. "Sorry girl," she smiled as she went to her bags to get both each others food ready, she called Lilac back to the kitchen to serve her as she got a ham and cheese sandwich put together quickly. She, in her mondane life, was content living alone in New York with a steady paying job and a little one to come home to every day; she made the dicision long ago to distance herself from Eddie for his sake and for hers, if she was being completely honest though it was more for herself. It had pained her to see her childhood friend and evergrowing unrequitted crush be with someone else and she didn't want to feel that pain whenever she was around him. She saw him as her knight in shining armor when the bullies threw around her books or picked on her, even the perverted ones that would try their advances at some points; in some instances he'd play as the overprotective possessive boyfriend in the subway just to make sure she got home safely, but, she truely longed for them to be true. She smiled at the memory, allowing the trip down memory lane for a moment just to allow the tea to brew strongly and nibble on her sandwich. She was childish and naive when it came to love, still was at this point, she longed for a life with Ed that she knew would never come true; her life was going just fine moments before Eddie came into her library, having her recollect all these memories of him and all the feeling that were burried away years ago now resurfacing. 

'Why?' she'd thought, 'why now after so long would he come back and mess everything up again?' her thoughts consumed her much to her dismay, in order to drown them out she'd turned on the TV for some late night shows to help relax her and kill a few brain cells. She'd found her childhood favorite show palying rerunds all night long and stuck to Cartoon Networks Courage the Cowardly Dog. She'd watched so many episodes that now hersandwich consumed and only a half cup of tea remained to warm her hands and her small white and black cat nuzzled herself behind her folded legs; she didn't know when at that point she fell asleep in her loveseat, she only remebers awakening to loud bangs repeatedly bursting from the other side of her door and her name being called in sheer panic. 

"Delilah! Delilah are you there?!"" the voice spoke, she'd gotten up in quick haste when hearing that voice, the one she loved yet dreaded to hear. She opened the deadlock on her door, her eyes still clouded with sleep just barely awake, and allowed Eddie to come in with the smell of dirt and sweat lingering in his trail. "good Lord Ed!" she sighed, waving her arms back and forth as if thher motions would be something to help get rid of the odor, "what the he-" she couldn't finish before he pulled her close, shaken and out of breath. 

She could only stay still as her breath was caught in her throat, eyes growing wide in shock of the situation; she could feel the shoulder of her shirt soaking up the sweat built up on his forehead and something wet trailing down her collarbone whether it be snot or tears she didn't care. She could feel his body tremble as he hugged her tighter and his breathing becoming shorter each moment, she wiggled her arms from his tight grasp and brought them to his neck, rubbing his back and stroking the smmall baby hairs on his neck trying her best to comfort him back to his calming state.  When seeing her clocks time showing nearly two in the morning she was far from tired now and stoof in the room with him for just  moments as he kept whispering words repetitive. 

"I thought he got to you."

After nearly thrity minutes of calming him down she sat him down at her kitchen table with a hot brewed cup of coffee to accompany him whilst she brewed another cup of tea. They both sat there sipping from each others mugs and sneaking glances at each other, in her heart Delilah knew that this was wrong; Eddie had a girlfriend and should be with Gwen not her, she sighed once more before placing her cup down gently and facing Ed for what possibly could be yhe last time. "Ed, what are you doing here?" she'd asked, she could see him tense slightly and his gaze shifting; she knew he was hiding something, but, was being too stubborn to share she could only assume that he had a falling out with Gwen.

But it didn't make any sense, they were just fine a few days ago. 

What could it have been to change so quickly? 

She reached for his hand and gently took it in hers making him look up, from the pain in his eyes she could tell he was fighting some internal battle and he needed his old friend to help him through it, whatever the situation may be. "you can stay here, have my bed... I'll sleep with Lilac on the couch, just take a shower and get comfortable," was all she said before going through some other guys clothes she had for him to sleep in.

After a few minutes she did find some more of his old clothes that she'd stole from him a while back and set it on her bed for him to change into, she yawned deeply as the need to sleep was becoming more apparent; she'd turned to go to her living room and catch some sleep, not bbefore bumping into Eddie, his skin damp from his shower and only a towel covering him. Delilah blushed a deep crimson as she brought her hands to her eyes, "OH MY GOD!" she'd screamed, trying to cover her virgin eyes from the very lude and very tempting scene. "S-s-sorry Ed... I just found some-" she was cut off again when hearing him chuckle, but, something was off about how he sounded...

His voice was an octive deeper and almost sounded inhuman. 

She felt his grip on her wrists tightwn slightly as he pull them away from her protected eyes only to see Eddie's towel now slipped off his waist and stood in all of his glory, a rumbling sound came from his as well when he pulled her closer, her hands resting against his broad chest as the both of them backed their way to the bed. Delilah's heart was now racing, more so that she felt it would burst out of her chest at any given moment. She tried to pull away from his grip, ready to confront him, push him away to bring him back to his senses; however, she did not expect Eddie's eyes to be completely black and liquidizes black tendrils peering out of the pores of his skin, now providing coverage to his jewels, but, still left most of his frontal provisions out on display. "Do not fight me little one," he spoke to her which made her fill with terror and dread. She now pushed against his chest whimpering as his steps backwards only dragged her along; her resistance proved to be pointless when his arm wrapped around her waist and lifted her off of her feet, now she lay on her back against the soft cushions of her bed and a growling Eddie, or what she thought was him, on top of her.

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